Blue­dot 2023. Thurs­day evening – Max Richter and the BBC Con­cert Orches­tra open blue­dot Fes­ti­val 2023 with a spe­cial Unclas­si­fied Live, host­ed by Eliz­a­beth Alker. 

Fri­day – Lovell, Orbit and Neb­u­la stages. Talks and work­shops plus Man­ches­ter Uni­ver­si­ty’s sci­ence stalls. Shaun Keav­e­ny on the Notes stage. Lead pho­to: TC & The Groove Family

Click here for pho­tos of Sat­ur­day and Sunday 

Lead pho­to: TC & The Groove Family

Blue­dot fes­ti­val. 20 – 23 July 2023. At Jodrell Bank, Cheshire.

Pho­tos to be used only with permission

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