From the moun­tains of Nor­way to Tox­teth, Liv­er­pool is not a usu­al path trod­den by artists but it cer­tain­ly indi­cates some­one with a dis­tinct­ly indi­vid­ual frame of mind. 

Fledg­ling Liv­er­bird Sara Wolff had ini­tial­ly uproot­ed in order to study before adopt­ing the city as her home. The alt-folk singer uses her defin­i­tive­ly quirky and sin­gu­lar eye to home in on per­son­al issues and mat­ters she’s wres­tled with in her own life. Her songs are about the pas­sage to adult­hood, about get­ting things wrong in rela­tion­ships and about stay­ing in bed all day, some­thing too many of us are well accus­tomed to these days. And that’s the place where there’s a ten­den­cy to play moments over in your head, won­der­ing how you went wrong.

Bad Thoughts Com­pi­la­tion, released 3rd Feb­ru­ary, is a “col­lec­tion of all your feel­ings on a par­tic­u­lar­ly bad day and reflects on why the solu­tion is there but so dif­fi­cult to reach,” Sara reveals. “Those times you can’t get out of bed, you’re in a rut, sleep too long, don’t eat prop­er­ly, scroll on your phone too much, can­cel plans then feel bad about it, wor­ry your friends won’t like you any­more, then stay in even longer. It’s a nev­er-end­ing circle.” 

Sara’s ear­li­er sin­gle had caught the atten­tion of Tom Robin­son on his BBC 6 music show. And now the self-taught gui­tarist has released this lat­est track. Her upcom­ing EP was co-pro­duced at Stockport’s Eve Stu­dios, the for­mer vicar’s man­sion became a home away from home, allow­ing her to tin­ker with its vin­tage Roland Space Echo and 1960s Farfisa organ. She had help from friend and tal­ent­ed music pro­duc­er, mix and stu­dio engi­neer, Adam Roth­schild (Ear­ly Hours).

Singer songwriter Sara Wolff, portrait

Face­book ; Twit­ter
Debut EP, When You Left The Room, out on the 4th of March.

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