The Calder Val­ley has built up an extra­or­di­nary rep­u­ta­tion of being a cra­dle of musi­cal tal­ent with The Orielles, Work­ing Men’s Club, The Lounge Soci­ety and many more emerg­ing from its atmos­pher­ic, intense and brood­ing land­scape. And recent­ly the unique folk music of Trevor Beale was dis­cov­ered, tes­ta­ment to local cre­ative tal­ent hark­ing back to the 1970s.

Recent­ly formed are a new band from Tod­mor­den called Cal­lis. The name is tak­en from Cal­lis Wood, between Heb­den Bridge and Tod, and is rep­re­sent­ed in their debut track­’s art­work. Dean Molyneux (lead vocals, gui­tar), Bryn Davies (back­ing vocals, bass) and Tyler Han­ley (drums) orig­i­nate from a series of alter­na­tive music projects and their approach befits the Calder Valley’s coun­ter­cul­tur­al legacy. 

They bring, in their words, “a new val­ley sound”, and cre­ate “the astral voice poet­i­cis­ing the ter­res­tri­al world.”

Cal­lis’ fresh debut sin­gle Dra­maskin, is out now, and was record­ed at Holy Moun­tain Stu­dios in Hack­ney, Lon­don. The song shifts between jan­g­ly psy­che­del­ic ter­ri­to­ry in which the gui­tar feels almost ear­ly Orielles in its tone, and a more heavy and doomy place with hints of BJM. There is light and dark. It’s a well-paced and, indeed, dra­mat­ic num­ber, with a degree of dis­tor­tion that enhances its mys­ti­cal qual­i­ty. The band says that “Dra­maskin is influ­enced by an enig­mat­ic hin­ter­land and cap­tures a curi­ous chem­istry with­in the band.” Writ­ing is a col­lab­o­ra­tive effort: “We’ve each got our own inspi­ra­tions, from elec­tron­ic music and brighter sounds to even doom and dark-wave.”

Callis Dramaskin cover art

Cal­lis have a full set of mate­r­i­al ready for the live per­for­mances – check out gigs below:
The Gold­en Lion, Tod­mor­den, Sat­ur­day 25th March

Hope and Anchor, Isling­ton, April 7th, Head­line Show

Dra­maskin by Cal­lis, released 3 Feb­ru­ary 2023
Con­tact: / Insta­gram

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