There’s a new Mag­net­ic Skies sin­gle just released, called Fad­ing Lights, released 1st Sep­tem­ber. As we’ve come to expect from their pre­vi­ous out­put, the track is drip­ping with atmos­phere and dra­ma. There’s the moody, dri­ving Joy Divi­sion-style bass thrum to open, which dri­ves the song through to its com­ple­tion. The emo­tive vocals rise over the synths, cre­at­ing a ten­sion that keeps you hooked till the final note. 

With the lyrics themed around addic­tion, it’s an intense ride as des­per­a­tion seeps through the cracks in anoth­er expert­ly pro­duced mix of elec­tri­fy­ing synths and soar­ing vocals from the band.

The band’s debut album Empire Falling is set to be released 3rd Novem­ber, and Fad­ing Lights is the lat­est glimpse.

Ini­tial­ly set­ting out as a duo in 2019, Mag­net­ic Skies was born as a stu­dio-based project cre­at­ed by lead vocal­ist and keys play­er Simon Kent and Jo Womar also on keys, dri­ven by a shared love of 80s synth-dri­ven post-punk. Even­tu­al­ly, the band began per­form­ing live, which led to gui­tarist Car­los Aguilar and drum­mer Lenin Ale­gria join­ing the lineup. 

Live dates:

Sat­ur­day 30 Sep­tem­ber JUST RADIOHEAD + MAGNETIC SKIES The Rail­way Inn, Win­ches­ter Tick­ets:…

Sat­ur­day 14 Octo­ber MAGNETIC SKIES + SUPPORT The Loft (above The Kings Pub), Portsmouth Tick­ets:…

Sun­day 19 Novem­ber B‑MOVIE + MAGNETIC SKIES The Lex­ing­ton, Lon­don

Sat­ur­day 25 Novem­ber MAGNETIC SKIES + SUPPORT The Win­ches­ter Gate, Salisbury

Mag­net­ic Skies Fad­ing Lights out Sep­tem­ber 1st
Face­book Mag­net­ic Skies

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