Fol­low­ing the announce­ment of his forth­com­ing album POPS, Cana­di­an song­writer and artist Matthew Tavares, aka Mat­ty, for­mer­ly of Bad­Bad­Not­Good, returns with a new dou­ble sin­gle release Mad­ly / Around the World 

Mad­ly pos­sess­es an under­stat­ed charm, exud­ing a feel-good, sum­mery warmth that instant­ly pulls you in. The hyp­not­ic ener­gy from the drums and the smooth chord pro­gres­sion com­bine to pro­pel the song for­ward. This dreamy indie pop track fea­tures Mat­ty’s lacon­ic vocals blend­ing with the instru­men­ta­tion, it all feels a bit flir­ty and care­free. There’s also a retro-inspired 60’s-style breezy cho­rus that rounds it all off rather nice­ly. I would­n’t be sur­prised if this lit­tle num­ber becomes a sound­track of the summer. 

Mad­ly / Around the World sees Mat­ty zero­ing in on love and all its com­plex­i­ties; the theme is a dri­ving force of through­out the upcom­ing album. This mate­r­i­al sees Mat­ty head into a new direction. 

The evoca­tive video to Mad­ly comes with ani­ma­tions by Lavoe.

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