Devon three-piece band Pale Blue Eyes are on a roll. Hav­ing toured last year, part­ly as sup­port for Pub­lic Ser­vice Broad­cast­ing and for The Besnard Lakes, they are out on the road again in 2023 with some sold-out dates already. 

Hot on the heels of their stel­lar debut album Sou­venirs comes new sin­gle More. It’s a shim­mer­ing syn­thy num­ber, with an airy and upbeat qual­i­ty. Pale Blue Eyes have proved to be mas­ters at cre­at­ing absolute ear­worms and like their pre­vi­ous releas­es More gets under your skin with its insis­tent beat and wist­ful harmonies. 

The song is about being around some­one who ele­vates you and sup­ports your mad plans, as the band explain: “This song is about the real­i­sa­tion you don’t real­ly have any con­trol over what life throws at you, but you can con­trol how you respond to it. You can only embrace it and try to keep your shit togeth­er. The thing we could focus on was our stu­dio and mak­ing music. We were inspired by the set­ting where we were record­ing – the birds out­side our win­dow, going for a trudge up and down the hilly lanes around the stu­dio to clear our heads. We hoped to build those moments of sim­ple bliss and escape into the music.”

Pale Blue Eyes are play­ing at the fol­low­ing venues:

2nd UK Guild­ford, Boile­room
3rd UK St Albans, The Horn
4th UK Northamp­ton, The Black Prince
7th UK North Shields, The Engine Room (Sold Out)
8th UK Edin­burgh, Sneaky Pete’s
9th UK Glas­gow, Broad­cast
10th UK Lin­coln, Beam Me Up (Fes­ti­val)
11th UK Oxford, Beam Me Up (Fes­ti­val)
12th UK Leeds, Head­row House
15th UK Southamp­ton, Heart­break­ers
16th UK Not­ting­ham, Bode­ga
17th UK Lon­don, The Lex­ing­ton (Sold Out)
18th UK Exeter, Cav­ern

12th PT Por­to, Mouco
25th UK Bris­tol, Rit­u­al Union
19th UK Heb­den Bridge, Trades Club
20th UK Sheffield, Get Togeth­er Fes­ti­val

16th UK Lon­don, Vil­lage Underground

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