When Skin­ny Lis­ter are on a fes­ti­val line­up, you know you’re in for some fun. They radi­ate ener­gy and get every­one going with their roudy and rous­ing sets. And they release a new EP today, called ‘Pub Shed Boot­leg’. Plus there’s a Euro­pean Tour sup­port­ing Frank Turn­er and UK head­line tour for Autumn/Winter 2024.

‘Pub Shed Boot­leg’ fea­tures 6 tracks from their ‘Shan­ty Punk’ album, played live at the leg­endary Forge & Flagon pub shed ear­li­er this year. It per­fect­ly encap­su­lates the rau­cous fun that is a Skin­ny Lis­ter gig.

Dan Hep­tin­stall, Skin­ny Lis­ter’s vocal­ist and gui­tarist, explains:
“The Forge & Flagon has been a big part of the Skin­ny Lis­ter sto­ry from our very begin­ning and has always remained some kind of spir­i­tu­al home for the band. We named our first album after it and have enjoyed so many great and often messy nights in The Forge over the years. We recent­ly shot the video for our sin­gle ‘Com­pa­ny Of The Bar’ there – which per­fect­ly cap­tures the atmos­phere of the place.

As Shan­ty Punk was large­ly made as an album to be played live – it’s great to take these six tracks and hear them in a live but inti­mate set­ting, giv­ing the tracks an even more beer-soaked row­dy atmos­phere and a fresh dimen­sion. It has also been a great way to touch base with Skin­ny Lister’s ori­gins and first inspi­ra­tions, which remains a part of the band’s core DNA to this day.“

The release comes just before a sum­mer of fes­ti­val per­for­mances at 2000 Trees Fes­ti­val,  Vain­stream and Angeliter Open Air Fes­ti­val before tour­ing across Europe sup­port­ing Frank Turn­er. They then return to the UK for their tra­di­tion­al end-of-year head­line tour bonan­za, fin­ish­ing at the Scala in Kings Cross

23 – BRISTOL Thekla
27 – OXFORD O2 Acad­e­my 2
28 – Man­ches­ter Acad­e­my 3
29 – BIRMINGHAM Cas­tle & Fal­con
30 – CARDIFF Clwb Ifor Bach

4 – YORK Cres­cent
6 – ABERDEEN Tun­nels
7 – EDINBURGH Mash House
8 – NOTTINGHAM Res­cue Rooms
11 – EXETER Cav­ern
12 – PORTSMOUTH Wedge­wood Rooms
13 – LONDON Scala

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