South Fac­ing is a mul­ti-day, open-air fes­ti­val at the his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant Crys­tal Palace Bowl in south Lon­don. There’s a choice of ten events start­ing on 26th July through to 11th August, with an intrigu­ing range of dif­fer­ent genres.

Start­ing on 26th July there’s Love Motion, the new dis­co, soul and elec­tron­i­ca event, start­ing at 4pm. Top of the bill are two divine divas Grace Jones and Roisin Mur­phy. Roisin will no doubt play a few tunes from her 2023 much laud­ed album Hit Parade. Leg­endary four-strong DJ col­lec­tive Horse Meat Dis­co, also join the party. 

The fol­low­ing day, 27th July, sees Future Islands head­lin­ing, with Bax­ter Dury and Julie Byrne, start­ing at 2pm. Future Islands revealed their lat­est album recent­ly – Peo­ple Who Aren’t There Any­more and the band are a remark­able force live, espe­cial­ly with the star­tling­ly pas­sion­ate front man and vocal­ist Sam Herring.

And on August 4th, Yussef Dayes presents Sum­mer Dayes with yoga class­es and West Indi­an food offer­ings along­side a sound­track of Dayes’ con­tem­po­rary jazz. 

Then 10th August presents a world of rhythm and soul with Dami­an “Jr. Gong” Mar­ley, the rev­o­lu­tion­ary Steel Pulse, enig­mat­ic Kaba­ka Pyra­mid and more. South Fac­ing wraps on the 11th August with The Orig­i­nals, bring­ing artists and DJs for a huge house par­ty going on from 12 noon to 10pm.

South Fac­ing is eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from Lon­don and the South East – Crys­tal Palace (TfL Over­ground and Nation­al Rail), Penge West (TfL Over­ground and Nation­al Rail), and Gip­sy Hill (Nation­al Rail). Click for South Fac­ing tickets

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