A Moonless Night album and film by Snowapple

The women-led col­lec­tive Snowap­ple has been on cre­ative over­drive this year, now releas­ing an album and film project called A Moon­less Night. Inter­na­tion­al in mem­bers and in out­look, Snowap­ple has been togeth­er since 2013, with a pro­lif­ic out­put that has seen them involved with a mul­ti­tude of projects: move­ment, the­atre, mime, pup­petry, music, singing, poetry,…

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Mark Harrison presents new album The Road to Liberty

The Mark Har­ri­son Band have just launched their sixth album called The Road to Lib­er­ty. I met Mark at Eal­ing Blues Fes­ti­val a few years ago where I talked to him after his set. He was charm­ing and patient­ly chat­ted to a few of us for quite some time, dis­cussing the beau­ti­ful Nation­al Res­onator guitar…

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Latest release: Warm Digits Flight of Ideas

Anoth­er ener­­gy-filled album from Warm Dig­its. On Flight of Ideas Warm Dig­its “make a call to arms: when we all think our ideas are right, what are the costs of nev­er believ­ing you could be wrong?” And so the explo­ration begins, with the duo plus a selec­tion of guest vocal­ists step­ping back in time and…

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Elephant Stone: powerful beauty of new album Hollow

Mon­tre­al psy­che­del­ic band Ele­phant Stone released their lat­est album Hol­low on Feb­ru­ary 14th. I first saw them at The Lex­ing­ton in 2011 and their stun­ning set remains etched on my mem­o­ry, the pow­er­ful and hyp­not­ic set clos­er Don’t You Know cement­ing an ongo­ing love for this band, and in par­tic­u­lar, Rishi Dhir’s thrilling sitar playing.…

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Review: Lamb at Union Chapel

This was Lam­b’s first seat­ed gig, so they tell us. Good going for the duo who have been in exis­tence since 1996. They did, how­ev­er, exhort us to get up on our feet for a dancey num­ber after which no one seemed much inclined to sit down again. The duo released a new album this year,…

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