Bearded Theory 24 Saturday photo gallery and review

An ear­ly high­light of the day was the set by BDRMM. They announced they were from ‘Sun­ny Hull’. Not Soli­hull as my friend mis­heard. Shoegazey and dreamy yet retain­ing an ener­gy and mus­cu­lar­i­ty, their set drew you into a hyp­not­ic state. Watch­ing BDR­M­M’s cre­ative process unfold, and on the bril­liant­ly acces­si­ble Mead­ow stage too, was…

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Bearded Theory – what’s in store for 2024

The Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val line­up has plen­ty for fans old and new this year… and (checks cal­en­dar) it’s only two months away! Plus there’s all the oth­er fun stuff that goes on dur­ing what has always been one of the most friend­ly fes­ti­vals of the sea­son.  Beard­ed The­o­ry’s old timers… Some artists make their way…

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Beans on Toast on tour 2024

Eng­lish Folk hero – Beans on Toast – will be tak­ing his brand new live band out on tour for the first time this Feb­ru­ary and March. With a new-look out­fit com­pris­ing Scot­tish gui­tar wiz­ard / folk song­smith Mem­phis Ger­ald, honky-tonk roy­al­ty King Killer­ship, per­cus­sive pow­er­house Abbi Drums, and fes­ti­val poet extra­or­di­naire Bassie Gra­cie; Beans and the band will be smash­ing out tunes from his highly…

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Beans on Toast ode to Todmorden: The Golden Lion

Beans on Toast has just released a track called The Gold­en Lion from his upcom­ing stu­dio album The Tooth­paste and The Tube, due for release on Decem­ber 1st. I’m sure you don’t want to start think­ing about Christ­mas dur­ing this late sum­mer heat­wave but this could be the per­fect present for some lucky soul on…

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Beans on Toast with new album and books for kids

I expect that Beans on Toast, the pop­u­lar folky fes­ti­val artist, will be ton­ing down the sweary lan­guage in his new series of chil­dren’s books. Called The Fas­ci­nat­ing Adven­tures Of Lit­tle Bee, the books will be com­ing out in time for Christ­mas, launch­ing on Decem­ber 1st, and there’s an accom­pa­ny­ing album too. Beans on Toast –…

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Van Morrison for Wickham Festival 2020

Wick­ham Fes­ti­val does­n’t do things by halves. The line­up of the friend­ly, small 4‑day event has con­sis­tent­ly aimed for the top, and this year has man­aged to secure Van Mor­ri­son for its Sat­ur­day head­lin­er. Van’s the Wick­ham man Organ­is­er Peter Cheg­wyn said: “This is absolute­ly mas­sive for us – and for the vil­lage. It will…

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