Review: Emita Ox, second album by Hello Mary

The New York City-based, all-female indie trio Hel­lo Mary came togeth­er in 2019 – they’ve been build­ing a name for them­selves the US and are cur­rent­ly dip­ping their toe in the UK live cir­cuit. Hele­na Straight (guitar/vocals), Stel­la Wave (drums/vocals), and Mikaela Oppen­heimer (bass) are amass­ing plen­ty of inter­est with their fuzzed-out tracks that incorporate,…

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Hello Mary to release second album Emita Ox 13th September

Ahead of the release of their sec­ond album Emi­ta Ox on Sep­tem­ber 13th via Frenchkiss Records, the young New York-based trio Hel­lo Mary have start­ed a run of shows in the UK. Their first was at End of the Road where they absolute­ly nailed it on stage and the crowd’s reac­tion and ensu­ing merch queue hinted…

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