South Facing festival presents ten amazing summer concerts

South Fac­ing is a mul­ti-day, open-air fes­ti­val at the his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant Crys­tal Palace Bowl in south Lon­don. There’s a choice of ten events start­ing on 26th July through to 11th August, with an intrigu­ing range of dif­fer­ent gen­res. Start­ing on 26th July there’s Love Motion, the new dis­co, soul and elec­tron­i­ca event, start­ing at 4pm.…

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Bearded Theory 24 Friday photo gallery and review

Ist Ist, LIINES, Bob Vylan, Bis, Jane Weaver, Meryl Streek, Pip Blom, The Big Moon, Chameleons, Mari­ka Hack­man, The Bar Stool Preach­ers, Dexy’s and Future Islands made Fri­day a very full day of great music. All the stages opened and the weath­er was look­ing promis­ing. Man­ches­ter band Ist Ist were a high­light – Adam Houghton’s doomy…

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