Photo gallery: Love Motion at South Facing Festival

The sun bathed the open­ing con­cert of the South Fac­ing fes­ti­val series in a gold­en glow. The crowd stepped up to the occa­sion bedecked in their fin­ery, ready to par­ty in the park to a run of DJs, with Grace Jones clos­ing the evening with her visu­al­ly and aural­ly stun­ning show. Much missed was Roisin…

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South Facing festival presents ten amazing summer concerts

South Fac­ing is a mul­ti-day, open-air fes­ti­val at the his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant Crys­tal Palace Bowl in south Lon­don. There’s a choice of ten events start­ing on 26th July through to 11th August, with an intrigu­ing range of dif­fer­ent gen­res. Start­ing on 26th July there’s Love Motion, the new dis­co, soul and elec­tron­i­ca event, start­ing at 4pm.…

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Bluedot 2023 review

When you’re on the way to Blue­dot, that first glimpse of the Lovell tele­scope is always a ‘wow’, moment. There it stands, on the Cheshire plain, com­muning with the plan­ets and deep space. Our con­duit to the stars and beyond. No won­der that Blue­dot, the fes­ti­val that has grown up around this beau­ti­ful struc­ture has…

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Bluedot 2023 photo gallery Saturday & Sunday

On Sat­ur­day and Sun­day: HENGE, Space Parade, Pic­tish Trail, Tinari­wen, TVAM, Mary in the Junk­yard, Dry Clean­ing. Mag­gie Aderin-Pocock gave a talk at Mis­sion Con­trol. Chris Hawkins with his wife Clare Nasir inter­viewed pho­tog­ra­ph­er Max Alexan­der and talked about near-space sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Music: Tele­man, Lava La Rue, Nihilox­i­ca, Young Fathers and Grace Jones Click here for photos…

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Camp Bestival announces Dorset and Shropshire lineups

Some­thing for fam­i­lies to look for­ward to! Both Camp Besti­val line­ups have just been revealed, with tick­ets on sale from Thurs­day 17th Novem­ber. Head­lin­ing Camp Besti­val Dorset is Grace Jones, The Kooks and Craig David Presents TS5. Mean­while, Camp Besti­val Shropshire’s head­line acts include Pri­mal Scream, Rudi­men­tal and Human League. Also announced today for both sites are Sophie Ellis-Bex­­tor and Melanie C as well as Con­fi­dence Man plus Sam Ryder.…

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KITE festival – Saturday review

Our vis­it to Kite fes­ti­val, set in gen­tle coun­try­side close to Oxford, was pret­ty much based on the fact that Grace Jones was set to head­line on the Sat­ur­day night – not that there weren’t plen­ty of oth­er attrac­tive propo­si­tions through­out this new music and ideas event. Chat­ting to peo­ple around the site it appears…

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Review: Festival Number 6 2015

Fes­ti­val Num­ber 6 feels as if it has ful­ly got into its stride. It offers a dizzy­ing array of intel­li­gent­ly-curat­ed events, from bands and DJs to com­e­dy, night­time pro­ces­sions, work­shops and talks, plus some­thing this fes­ti­val has come to excel in – inter­views and inti­mate per­for­mances by a hand­ful of the main-stage artists.

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