Top albums, EPs & singles of 2024

This has been an excep­tion­al year for new releas­es of all gen­res with per­haps a lean­ing towards shoegaze/­­dream-pop on this list. Bill Ryder-Jones got the year off to a great start with the inspired Iechyd Da while Father John Misty’s Mahash­mashana slipped in as a late Novem­ber clos­er and is per­haps my album of the year.…

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Bluedot 22 photo gallery 1

Images from Fri­day and Sat­ur­day at Blue­dot 2022… from Los Bitchos to Groove Arma­da, Lanterns on the Lake and Kel­ly Lee Owens. The Lounge Soci­ety, BCUC and Kahreign. Helen Pankhurst inter­views poet Niki­ta Gill. Lor­na Rees and her cloud gaz­ing project. Sci­ence this year fea­tured – Tim O’Brien and his wel­come speech – plus Chris…

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