Bluedot 2023 Late Night electronic lineup announcement

Blue­dot fes­ti­val announce a spe­cial late-night pro­gramme cul­mi­nat­ing on Sun­day when Max Coop­er and MESH are to pre­miere a unique A/V sound­scape, with accom­pa­ny­ing bespoke pro­jec­tions on the 50-metre Lovell tele­scope. Groove Arma­da were just one of the head­lin­ers last year using the tele­scope to beam awe-inspir­ing pro­jec­tions over the site (pho­to above). Here’s the plan,…

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Review: Leftfield at Bluedot festival

Review of Left­field ‘Left­ism’ at Blue­dot fes­ti­val, by Nicholas Mai “Come on Tom, let’s go and see some prop­er music”. And so the uncer­tain eight-year(ish) old boy duti­ful­ly fol­lows his father into the tent where Left­field are warm­ing up the crowd nice­ly as the first of the big name open­ing Fri­day acts at this year’s Bluedot…

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