Beans on Toast on tour 2024

Eng­lish Folk hero – Beans on Toast – will be tak­ing his brand new live band out on tour for the first time this Feb­ru­ary and March. With a new-look out­fit com­pris­ing Scot­tish gui­tar wiz­ard / folk song­smith Mem­phis Ger­ald, honky-tonk roy­al­ty King Killer­ship, per­cus­sive pow­er­house Abbi Drums, and fes­ti­val poet extra­or­di­naire Bassie Gra­cie; Beans and the band will be smash­ing out tunes from his highly…

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Callis, Todmorden band with new single and gigs

The Calder Val­ley has built up an extra­or­di­nary rep­u­ta­tion of being a cra­dle of musi­cal tal­ent with The Orielles, Work­ing Men’s Club, The Lounge Soci­ety and many more emerg­ing from its atmos­pher­ic, intense and brood­ing land­scape. And recent­ly the unique folk music of Trevor Beale was dis­cov­ered, tes­ta­ment to local cre­ative tal­ent hark­ing back to…

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