Bearded Theory 2023 review

Well it’s all change for Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val this year. The three ami­gos who brought it to life have final­ly hung up their beards and sold on the favourite Mid­lands fest. And this is its first prop­er year under the new ban­ner of DHP Fam­i­ly. No doubt the new team know they have a very…

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Bearded Theory photo gallery Sunday

Lots going on all after­noon with The Under­tones, High Vis, HENGE, Love­ly Eggs, Pre­tenders, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs and for the finale were Pub­lic Ser­vice Broad­cast­ing over at the Mead­ow Stage and Pri­mal Scream. Over on the Wood­land Stage were Rho­da Dakar & The LoTek Four. And there was lots hap­pen­ing in…

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Camp Bestival announces Dorset and Shropshire lineups

Some­thing for fam­i­lies to look for­ward to! Both Camp Besti­val line­ups have just been revealed, with tick­ets on sale from Thurs­day 17th Novem­ber. Head­lin­ing Camp Besti­val Dorset is Grace Jones, The Kooks and Craig David Presents TS5. Mean­while, Camp Besti­val Shropshire’s head­line acts include Pri­mal Scream, Rudi­men­tal and Human League. Also announced today for both sites are Sophie Ellis-Bex­­tor and Melanie C as well as Con­fi­dence Man plus Sam Ryder.…

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