Bearded Theory 24 Sunday photo gallery

Sun­day: One­da, My Bad Sis­ter, Clara Mann, Kather­ine Prid­dy, Eng­lish Teacher, The Orb, Dry Clean­ing, Bode­ga, Fero­cious Dog, Dinasaur Jr.,Big Spe­cial, Des­per­ate Jour­nal­ist, Amyl and the Snif­fers all played. The Beard­ed The­o­ry ‘fam­i­ly Sun­day’ tra­di­tion lives on, and those in fan­cy dress gath­er around the main stage for the judg­ing (win­ners are award­ed two tickets…

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Bearded Theory – what’s in store for 2024

The Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val line­up has plen­ty for fans old and new this year… and (checks cal­en­dar) it’s only two months away! Plus there’s all the oth­er fun stuff that goes on dur­ing what has always been one of the most friend­ly fes­ti­vals of the sea­son.  Beard­ed The­o­ry’s old timers… Some artists make their way…

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