After Glastonbury: festivals to book

If you’ve arrived home from Wor­thy Farm feel­ing like you could do it all again (but on a small­er scale), or if four days of watch­ing Glas­to from your sofa has inspired you to get back in the fields, don’t fret. We’ve com­piled a roundup of fes­ti­vals with a few tick­ets still avail­able. Don’t hang…

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Back to the fields: festivals for 2021

Our fes­ti­val piece looks a lit­tle dif­fer­ent this year. It’s been a dif­fi­cult and rather har­row­ing task putting it togeth­er as many have decid­ed – and are still decid­ing – to can­cel, main­ly due to the lack of Gov­­ern­­ment-backed covid insur­ance. Oper­at­ing on a knife edge is every­day stuff for fes­ti­val organ­is­ers, but this is…

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Review: Towersey Folk Festival Saturday 2014

Guid­ed into my park­ing space by a con­voy of friend­ly, and most­ly old­er, stew­ards, I’m struck by how well organ­ised Tow­ersey Fes­ti­val is. Although to be fair, they’ve had plen­ty of prac­tice, as this year marks Tow­ersey’s 50th Birth­day cel­e­bra­tion. Tow­ersey Fes­ti­val is an insti­tu­tion on the local cal­en­dar, with a ded­i­cat­ed and enthu­si­as­tic fan base, many of whom arrive ear­ly on the first…

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Green and pleasant: festivals for 2014

Dust down the sleep­ing bags and camp­ing stove, the start of fes­ti­val sea­son is only a cou­ple of months away. These days, music fes­ti­vals are work­ing hard­er to attract a fol­low­ing, offer­ing debat­ing ses­sions and work­shops, ban­quets and bal­loon­ing, hop­ing to carve out a unique and iden­ti­fi­able image from a sea of for­mu­la­ic events. Here…

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Location, location: music for 2013 in unforgettable venues

From tiny, friend­ly gigs where you feel as if you’re in some­one’s liv­ing room, to the big, bold and out­landish, 2013 is all about state­ment venues. Here are a few to whet the appetite. 1. Feb­ru­ary 17: Bush Hall, Shep­herds Bush, west Lon­don. Only £5. A mel­low Sun­day evening under the chan­de­liers beck­ons at this…

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