If you’ve arrived home from Wor­thy Farm feel­ing like you could do it all again (but on a small­er scale), or if four days of watch­ing Glas­to from your sofa has inspired you to get back in the fields, don’t fret. We’ve com­piled a roundup of fes­ti­vals with a few tick­ets still avail­able. Don’t hang around though as they’re sell­ing fast.

Timber Festival 1 – 3 July

Tim­ber is a beau­ti­ful event set in the Nation­al For­est, near Fearne­dock, on a 70-acre site on the Der­byshire bor­der. Immerse your­self in a range of activ­i­ties and enjoy music along with talks, lit­er­a­ture, work­shops, and at dusk, walk through The Gloam­ing, Tim­ber’s inspir­ing light trail.

Poet Lau­re­ate Simon Armitage will be read­ing from his lat­est book and also hits the decks for a throw­back set. Enjoy camp­fire sto­ries, wood­land skills, slow­food cook­ery. BBC Radio 4’s Geoff Bird will host the fourth series of Tim­ber pod­cast Wilder­ness Tracks, where guests chat about their favourite nature-inspired pieces of music, such as Janet Ellis MBE, writer and broad­cast­er Natal­ie Haynes and hip-hop artist MC Tes­ta­ment. And bring an item of cloth­ing for the clothes swap! Tim­ber tickets

Bluedot 21 to 24 July

There are only less than 500 week­end tick­ets left for Cheshire’s stel­lar event. Unique Blue­dot takes place at Jodrell Bank in Cheshire. Day­times offer a superb mix of talks, work­shops and music. As night falls, music head­lin­ers takes over and there’s always a heavy­weight evening selec­tion of electronica/dance on the main stage with light shows bounced off the Lovell tele­scope. Chil­dren are well catered for with a host of sci­ence work­shops and the­atre. Thurs­day’s clas­si­cal con­cert – an option­al extra – always pro­vides a suit­ably grand open­er – this year stars Han­nah Peel with the Para­orches­tra. Tick­ets for blue­dot

Ealing Blues 23 to 24 July

Eal­ing Blues is part of a series of fes­ti­vals run by Eal­ing Bor­ough Coun­cil in Lon­don every year – com­e­dy, beer, jazz, but the Blues fest remains our favourite. It’s got every­thing a fes­ti­val offers – a choice of stages, stalls, bars, but in minia­ture, set in the love­ly grounds of Wal­pole Park. This year sees Chris Jag­ger band and Wilko John­son head­lin­ing. And don’t miss the mar­vel­lous Mark Har­ri­son band on Sat­ur­day after­noon. Priced at only £14.30 for the week­end (ear­ly bird) Eal­ing Blues 

Camp Bestival Dorset 28 to 31 July

Only 150 tick­ets left for Tier 4 of this fam­i­ly extrav­a­gan­za at Lul­worth Cas­tle. The line­up includes Rag’n’Bone Man, Sis­ter Sledge, Lola Young and Snapped Ankles. And there’s the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see/dance to Sophie Ellis-Bex­tor’s Kitchen Dis­co. The fes­ti­val will be attempt­ing to beat the Guin­ness World Records title for Largest Dis­co Dance, to raise mon­ey for char­i­ty part­ner the Ellen MacArthur Can­cer Trust. And you can escape the kids for a bliss­ful time at the wood-fired hot tub and sauna expe­ri­ence and chill­out area with fire pit. Tick­ets for Camp Besti­val

Houghton 11 to 14 August

It’s had a bit of a bumpy ride since its incep­tion but Houghton is an insane­ly cool event with DJs and art instal­la­tions. This year it’s going ahead, in its usu­al loca­tion of King’s Lynn, Nor­folk. There are a lim­it­ed num­ber of tick­ets left. Apple­blim, Der­rick Carter, Smag­ghe and – well too many too men­tion – will be spin­ning the sounds. Head over to Houghton to grab your­self one of the final tickets.

Just So Festival 19 to 21 August

Just So offers an imag­i­na­tive out­door adven­ture for fam­i­lies. The gen­tle week­ender offers arts, lit­er­a­ture, the­atre, dance, music, com­e­dy and cre­ative pur­suits. There’s even mag­i­cal mid­night feast. The­atre per­for­mances include The Adven­tures of Madame Car­ol Sell and Mr Pop­sy, and dancer Sohan Kai­ley leads Bol­ly­wood Danc­ing and Bhangra Tots work­shops.  It all takes place in the glades and wood­lands of the Rode Hall Estate in Cheshire, a beau­ti­ful and nat­ur­al won­der­land for you to explore. Brand new areas for its twelfth year include The Inky Deep, full of aquat­ic antics and fishy goings-on. Hope & Social, Kweku of Ghana with his band KOG & the Zon­go Brigade, São Paulo’s Theo Mizú & Ban­da are on the line­up. Just So festival

Beautiful Days 19 to 21 August

This pop­u­lar fes­ti­val is close to sell­ing out, so jump on tick­ets if it appeals to you as it always sells out. The Lev­ellers’ own par­ty down in Escot Park in Devon has a rol­lick­ing line­up of artists such as … er The Lev­ellers, Sea­sick Steve, Seth Lake­man and Snapped Ankles. Beau­ti­ful Days is an inde­pen­dent fam­i­ly event with plen­ty of enter­tain­ment avail­able for chil­dren. Tick­ets for Beau­ti­ful Days 

Moovin’ 26 to 28 August

“Once Man­ches­ter’s best kept secret, it has now estab­lished itself as the place to par­ty over the August Bank hol­i­day week­end.” Yes it’s Moovin with its biggest line up to date at eco-friend­ly White­bot­tom Farm, a beau­ti­ful, seclud­ed spot in the heart of Etherow Coun­try Park, just 30 min­utes from cen­tral Man­ches­ter. Stages include The Barn, a large con­vert­ed cow shed with a huge bar for speedy ser­vice at rea­son­able prices, space to dance and hay bale seat­ing to kick back on. Check out: Orbital, Roy Ayers, Sis­ter Nan­cy, The Mag­nif­i­cent DJ Jazzy Jeff, The Sug­arhill Gang, Alaba­ma 3. Moovin’ Fes­ti­val

Shambala 25 to 29 August

Love­ly Sham­bala in Northampt­son­shire has a loy­al, devot­ed fol­low­ing, and for good rea­son. It has a gen­tle, kind and friend­ly vibe and a real feel of escapism, with lots of great music on a huge num­ber of stages. The Enchant­ed Woods is a must: secret for­est path­ways will lead you to to hid­den, mind-bend­ing, mul­ti-sen­so­ry art, per­for­mance and work­shops. There is plen­ty of stuff for kids too. Tick­ets for Sham­bala

Watchet Festival 26 to 28 August

Award-win­ning Watch­et Fes­ti­val returns to its beau­ti­ful West Som­er­set site. Watch­et is a small, friend­ly not-for-prof­it fam­i­ly fes­ti­val with amaz­ing views of the coast­line and beyond. Three live stages host more than 100 live acts – this year sees Belin­da Carlisle, Alaba­ma 3, Skin­ny Lis­ter, Cut Capers, Dread­zone and lots more. With full week­end camp­ing tick­ets cost­ing less than £100, Watch­et is bril­liant val­ue but don’t delay – tick­ets are sell­ing fast and camper­van tick­ets are sold out. Watch­et festival

Victorious 26 to 28 August

Vic­to­ri­ous is the UK’s biggest met­ro­pol­i­tan fes­ti­val, tak­ing place in in South­sea, Portsmouth. There’s no camp­ing avail­able, but there are plen­ty of places to stay, just check out their web­site for sug­ges­tions. Head­lin­ing Sat­ur­day night is Scot­tish singer song­writer Pao­lo Nuti­ni whilst Sam Fend­er takes the top spot on Sun­day evening. Also appear­ing are Anne-Marie, Exam­ple, White Lies, Suede, Ocean Colour Scene and Inhaler. Tick­ets cost from just £45 per day (fees apply) – Vic­to­ri­ous Festival

Towersey 26 to 29 August

This very friend­ly, very com­mu­ni­ty-mind­ed event has been going for over 50 years. It is a fam­i­ly main­ly-folk event with a mix of music and dance – espe­cial­ly for those who enjoy a Ceilidh – or sev­er­al. Star­ring this year are Fero­cious Dog, Del Amitri, Turin Brakes and Kate Rus­by among many oth­ers. It also has the qui­etest camp­site I’ve ever expe­ri­enced. Tick­ets for Tow­ersey

Moseley Folk & Arts Festival 2 to 3 September

There is always an envi­able and heavy­weight line­up at this Birm­ing­ham event in Mose­ley Park. This year sees Jethro Tull (whooh!), The Coral, Kurt Vile, Simon Armitage and if you were at Glas­to and did­n’t get to their superb set – Super­grass. And kudos to the organ­is­ers for man­ag­ing to get The Weath­er Sta­tion onto their line­up too. Mose­ley Folk & Arts festival

Manchester Psych Fest 3 September

Man­ches­ter’s annu­al Psych Fest this Sep­tem­ber as usu­al takes place at var­i­ous city venues: Albert Hall, O2 Ritz, RNCM, Goril­la, Deaf Insti­tute and YES. Lots of food out­lets, murals and arts will be dot­ted around, for a tru­ly buzzy Man­ches­ter day. The Lucid Dream, Tinari­wen, Gwen­no, Goat Girl, Hinds, Heavy Sal­ad, Kurt Vile are all set to per­form. Man­ches­ter Psych Fest

Forwards Bristol 3 to 4 September

This new fes­ti­val in Bris­tol on Clifton Downs is a wel­come addi­tion to the cal­en­dar, and has a fab­u­lous inau­gur­al line­up – well what would you expect for such a music savvy city. Khru­ang­bin, Float­ing Points, Cari­bou, Gabriels, Bil­ly Nomates and Shy­girl are among the line­up. Get in! Click here for the site and tick­ets for For­wards Bristol

Infor­ma­tion cor­rect as of pub­li­ca­tion date 28th June 2022

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