Best festival guide for 2024

Fes­ti­val sea­son is near­ly here again – our favourite time of the year. The fes­ti­val scene is always evolv­ing and this year sad­ly sees a few sig­nif­i­cant changes. Sev­er­al we thought of as a con­stant pres­ence on the fes­ti­val cal­en­dar are either tak­ing a fal­low year or have decid­ed to call it a day. No secret…

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After Glastonbury: festivals to book

If you’ve arrived home from Wor­thy Farm feel­ing like you could do it all again (but on a small­er scale), or if four days of watch­ing Glas­to from your sofa has inspired you to get back in the fields, don’t fret. We’ve com­piled a roundup of fes­ti­vals with a few tick­ets still avail­able. Don’t hang…

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