The last album Igno­rance in 2021 con­vinced us that Tama­ra Lin­de­man and her band are pro­duc­ing some of the most inter­est­ing and orig­i­nal music at the moment. We reviewed Atlantic, a sin­gle from the album, thus: “It is a star­tling, unusu­al and brood­ing work, ele­gant­ly arranged with a lush expan­sive­ness yet suf­fused with ten­sion. A per­cus­sive and jit­tery lay­er mesh­es with rich gui­tars, key­boards and flute flour­ish­es while Lindeman’s sul­try vocals anchor it all down.

So the announce­ment of a new album Human­hood due for release on 17th Jan­u­ary 2025 (Fat Pos­sum records) is very wel­come news indeed. Ahead of the album, Lin­de­man has unveiled a cou­ple of sin­gles and the third, just out, with video, is called Body Moves.

Lin­de­man has not had an easy time since lock­down… dur­ing the mak­ing of Igno­rance, life was unrav­el­ling, lead­ing to a men­tal health cri­sis, which was com­pound­ed by the cli­mate grief that pro­pelled and shaped the album. So this new work is very wel­come, not just for the plea­sure of hear­ing new Weath­er Sta­tion mate­r­i­al but also as a sig­ni­fi­er of her road to recovery.

About the new lat­est sin­gle Body Moves, Lin­de­man says: “The song was sim­ply pre­sent­ing some­thing that is real and that hap­pens; the body fools you, the body moves you, some­times in direc­tions seem­ing­ly self destruc­tive or painful or vis­cer­al. Bod­ies are bio­log­i­cal and so is their lan­guage; chem­i­cal, pain, impulse, shut down, wake up. What mat­ters is the inter­pre­ta­tion, the response, whether or not you’re able to hear the sig­nal at all.” 

That dis­cor­dance, of the body and the mind, and of the body some­times act­ing in betray­al is worked through in the lyrics, con­veyed in a stream of con­scious­ness fash­ion. The inten­si­ty of the song is pal­pa­ble, and it’s easy to believe Lin­de­man when she says, “this song was the hard­est song, we record­ed it, changed every­thing, record­ed it again, changed every­thing, record­ed it again.”

The emo­tions con­veyed in the lyrics are deliv­ered in Lin­de­man’s deft vocal style, her voice able to tran­si­tion from deep and steady to a near whis­per, float­ing over warm jazz-infused instru­men­ta­tion. “Body Moves” serves as anoth­er indi­ca­tion of the promis­ing album that lies ahead.

The Weath­er Sta­tion UK Tour Dates
Sun­day. Jan. 19 – Bris­tol, UK @  Rough Trade Bris­tol – Q&A
Mon­day. Jan. 20 – Liv­er­pool, UK @ Rough Trade Liv­er­pool – record store per­for­mance
Tues­day. Jan. 21 – Leeds, UK @ Jum­bo Leeds – record store per­for­mance
Wednes­day. Jan. 22 – Not­ting­ham, UK @ Rough Trade Not­ting­ham – record store per­for­mance
Thurs­day. Jan. 23 – Lon­don, UK @ Rough Trade East – record store per­for­mance
Thurs­day. Mar. 6 – Brighton, UK @ CHALK
Fri­day. Mar. 7 – Leeds, UK @ Bru­denell Social Club
Sat­ur­day. Mar. 8 – Dublin, IE @ But­ton Fac­to­ry
Mon­day. Mar. 10 – Glas­gow, UK @ Saint Luke’s
Tues­day. Mar. 11 – Man­ches­ter, UK @ Band On The Wall
Wedne­day. Mar. 12 – Bris­tol, UK @ The Fleece
Thurs­day. Mar. 13 – Lon­don, UK @ Isling­ton Assem­bly Hall

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