Top albums and EPs 2021

This has been an abun­dant year for new music, hard­ly sur­pris­ing as artists were forced into lock­down, stuck in their hous­es / bed­rooms /studios with only synths and gui­tars for com­pa­ny. We’re delight­ed to bring you Gourmet Gigs’ favourites this year: a com­bi­na­tion of albums and an EP. A few long-await­­ed albums turned out to…

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The Weather Station announce European tour

One of this year’s most riv­et­ing and orig­i­nal albums is The Weath­er Sta­tion’s Igno­rance. The project with Tama­ra Lin­de­man at the helm has cre­at­ed a dev­as­tat­ing and per­son­al nar­ra­tive about cli­mate change.  Gourmet Gigs reviewed the dra­mat­ic sin­gle Atlantic: “it is a star­tling, unusu­al and brood­ing work, ele­gant­ly arranged with a lush expan­sive­ness yet suffused…

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Alex Maas plus The Weather Station livestreams

It was a thrill to dis­cov­er these two artists fair­ly recent­ly and their last albums released recent­ly are haunt­ing, intel­li­gent and thought­ful works that I find I keep return­ing to. Both Alex Maas and The Weath­er Sta­tion have announced livestream per­for­mances com­ing up this month. Alex Maas is a long-time mem­ber of Tex­an neo-psych band The…

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New single Atlantic by The Weather Station captures the mood

The Weath­er Sta­tion has released a new sin­gle and video called Atlantic, from forth­com­ing album Igno­rance (5th Feb­ru­ary on Fat Pos­sum).  The Weath­er Sta­tion is a project lead by Cana­di­an singer song­writer Tama­ra Lin­de­man. This lat­est work is intense­ly per­son­al (Tama­ra also direct­ed the video) and it cap­tures the present mood of uncer­tain­ty, with climate…

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