“A Love from Outer Yorkshire” David Holmes

Local cre­atives, inter­na­tion­al musi­cians, artists, DJs, friends and fam­i­ly of The Gold­en Lion pub and music venue in Tod­mor­den all came togeth­er to help Waka (Richard Walk­er) & Gig Mattha­nee – the landlords/promoters, raise mon­ey to help the venue’s future by launch­ing a spe­cial­ist record label vinyl series. There’s a new dou­ble A side vinyl just out called A Love from Out­er York­shire, so you can help out the music venue while giv­ing your ears a treat.

Gold­en Lion Sounds from Tod­mor­den have a new release just out: Jarvis Cock­er who has per­formed at Gold­en Lion con­tributed his cov­er of The Fall’s New Big Prinz cap­tur­ing the post-punk spir­it of the orig­i­nal with an added psy­che­del­ic feel.

South London’s Meatraf­fle dubbed ‘the best band in the coun­try right now’ by Lias Saou­di of Fat White Fam­i­ly, donat­ed a song that begins with a trum­pet motif from Bandiera Rossa the Ital­ian com­mu­nist anthem love song. The col­lec­tive are singing about the state of the envi­ron­ment, gov­ern­ment and pan­dem­ic. The band are booked to play live at Gold­en Lion venue on 21st August, get your tick­ets here. 

The AA side of this lim­it­ed edi­tion bumper record fea­tures David Holmes who’s DJ-ed there twice, pro­duced a 7 minute 30 sec­ond elec­tron­ic mon­u­men­tal stom­per, Love is a Mys­tery with vocals from Raven Vio­let of The Unloved (Killing Eve). Holmes said, of the spe­cial record A Love from Out­er York­shire – it’s a nod to our friend the late Andrew Weather­all and his cult night ALFOS with com­rade Sean Johnston.

The last track is from Todmorden’s youngest stars; Cai (9) & Dylan Car­ney (6) who penned Tan­go Fish a song about nine gold­fish that once lived in a fish tank at The Gold­en Lion. Dur­ing lock­down, sev­en of the fish sad­ly passed away, the 2 sur­vivors were saved by staff mem­ber Nicky General’s chil­dren, who re-homed them, and penned the lyrics about the beloved gold­fish Tan­go and Bob, accom­pa­nied by their mum Gem on guitar.


Lim­it­ed edi­tion 10″ avail­able now from here:

Main pho­to © Richard Fowler

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