Man­ches­ter icon DJ Paulette to host Open­ing Night Con­cert.

There are plen­ty of excit­ing events at the 30th edi­tion of WOMEX Fes­ti­val, tak­ing place in Man­ches­ter lat­er this month.

WOMEX (World­wide Music Expo), gives music fans a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to access this pres­ti­gious music indus­try event, and dis­cov­er over 50 live acts from across the world rep­re­sent­ing a mix of musi­cal gen­res and styles, includ­ing folk, afrobeat, roots, jazz, reg­gae and electronica.

WOMEX 24 Fes­ti­val will take place over 3 nights (24th-26th Octo­ber) at 5 of Manchester’s most icon­ic venues – Albert Hall, Man­ches­ter Cen­tral, O2 Ritz Man­ches­ter, HOME and Avi­va Stu­dios, the home of Fac­to­ry Inter­na­tion­al, with an exclu­sive Open­ing Night con­cert at The Bridge­wa­ter Hall on 23rd Octo­ber host­ed by Man­ches­ter icon DJ Paulette. Paulette says, “I am thrilled to be host­ing the Open­ing Con­cert for WOM­EX’s 30th edi­tion. Man­ches­ter is the place where inno­va­tion, inspi­ra­tion, music, pas­sion and com­mu­ni­ty col­lide. I can’t wait to reveal the joys on offer.”

The Albert Hall will play host to the Hori­zons Stage – a ded­i­cat­ed stage show­cas­ing acts from across the UK and Ire­land: Bal­i­maya Project, Gwenifer Ray­mond (Eng­land), Strange Boy (Ire­land), Córas Trio (North­ern Ire­land), Amy Lau­ren­son, Gnoss (Scotland/Alba), Cerys Hafana, and N’famady Kouy­até (Cymru/Wales). Expect Welsh folk, West African Mandé music, Irish rap, and more. The line-up also includes one act from the host city (Riogh­nach Con­nol­ly & Hon­eyfeet), in part­ner­ship with Man­ches­ter Music City.

Amongst the 50+ inter­na­tion­al artists per­form­ing across the fes­ti­val are Orches­tra Baobab, known for their smooth blend of Cuban rhythms and tra­di­tion­al West African sounds; Japan­ese neo-folk fusion band Mit­sune; Parisian group Sarāb, who mix Ara­bic music, jazz and psy­che­del­ic rock; Jamaican artist Kaba­ka Pyra­mid who fus­es tra­di­tion­al reg­gae with mod­ern hip-hop; and Les Mamans du Con­go x Rrobin who will present an elec­tri­fy­ing fusion of Con­golese rhythms and mod­ern elec­tron­ic beats.

The Club Sum­mit at O2 Ritz Man­ches­ter will play host to a late-night par­ty on Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, show­cas­ing DJs and elec­tron­ic artists from Latin Amer­i­ca, South Africa and more. Fes­ti­val goers can also dis­cov­er music, move­ments and his­to­ries from across the world with a curat­ed selec­tion of doc­u­men­taries at HOME as part of the WOMEX film pro­gramme.

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