Annie Dress­ner unveiled her lat­est sin­gle Dance We Do on Jan­u­ary 12th. She has simul­ta­ne­ous­ly announced her upcom­ing album, “I Thought It Would be Eas­i­er,” slat­ed for release on April 5th via Dhar­ma Records.

Dance We Do delves into the com­plex­i­ties of try­ing to gauge a par­tic­u­lar love inter­est’s feel­ings; the song dwells on Annie’s dis­com­fort as she sens­es she’s dis­cov­ered a reluc­tance, a degree of uncer­tain­ty. “I want­ed you to like me and I want­ed you there,” she sings, her trade­mark crys­tal-clear vocals inter­twined with sub­tly nuanced gui­tar melodies. Annie’s intel­li­gent, dis­arm­ing­ly forth­right vocal style is rem­i­nis­cent of Car­ole King, as she shares her anguish about a sit­u­a­tion that seems to have no answers.

Speak­ing about the track, Annie says: ‘This is a love song about some­one who has put them­selves out there over and again, but only to be turned down and let down. There are some peo­ple with whom you can­not tell where you stand.’ 

Born and bred in New York City, Annie picked up her family’s gui­tar for the very first time on the night of her high school grad­u­a­tion, and dis­cov­ered a hid­den pas­sion that would change her life. Inspired by icons like Simon & Gar­funkel, Car­ly Simon, and Ben Kweller, she began craft­ing her own melodies, often hum­ming her thoughts like a secret sound­track to city life. 

Annie’s artis­tic odyssey led her to count­less open mic nights in New York, where she cul­ti­vat­ed her craft plus also dis­cov­er­ing a vibrant com­mu­ni­ty of fel­low song­writ­ers and musi­cians. She has col­lab­o­rat­ed with the likes of David Ford, Pol­ly Paulus­ma, and Matthew Caws (Nada Surf). 

Over the years her music has been played on BBC Radio 2 and BBC 6Music, and has seen sup­port from titles such as Amer­i­can Song­writer Folk Radio UK. She has has appeared at Green Man Fes­ti­val, Cam­bridge Folk Fes­ti­val, Black Deer Fes­ti­val, Secret Gar­den Par­ty and Man­ches­ter Folk Festival. 

Head­line tour, tick­ets here:  

17th April – Cum­ber­nauld The­atre, Cum­ber­nauld 
18th April – Cape To Cairo, Shildon 
19th April – The Old School­house, Robin Hood’s Bay
20th April – St Mary’s Church, Pur­ley on Thames 
21st April – Kitchen Gar­den Café, Birm­ing­ham 
24th April – The Grey­stones, Sheffield 
25th April – The Green Note, Lon­don 
26th April – Vestry Hall, Cran­brook 
27th April – The Junc­tion, Cam­bridge 
28th April – The Hive, Shrews­bury 
1st May – Sound & Art, Worces­ter 
2nd May – Chapel Arts, Bath 
4th May – The Met, Bury 

She will also be sup­port­ing leg­endary Suede gui­tarist Bernard But­ler for a sold-out show on 9th Feb­ru­ary at St Nicholas’ ChurchBev­er­ley. Join the wait­ing list here

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