Beard­ed The­o­ry 24: Thurs­day with Bat­tlesnake, Dut­ty Moon­shine, Bleach Lab, Soft Play.

It feels great to be back at Beard­ed The­o­ry for anoth­er year of music and the most friend­ly crowd I’ve come across at any fes­ti­val. There’s a few tweaks evi­dent on that first stroll around the site: for a start, where’s the Some­thing Else Tea Tent? We even­tu­al­ly found it – up the path on the way to the Wood­land stage. Can’t do with­out those cakes and a cup of tea.

Two of the stages were open on Thurs­day after­noon, the Pal­let main stage and Con­voy Cabaret stand­ing in for the Wood­land Stage which was suf­fer­ing from the recent rain­fall. The ener­getic Aus­tralian band Bat­tlesnake took the prize for most visu­al­ly strik­ing and amus­ing act. At Con­voy Cabaret, a size­able crowd gath­ered to bask in the sooth­ing spaci­ness of Bleach Lab’s set in the cocooned atmos­phere of the tent.

Soft Play blew every­one away with their main stage set. Isaac Hol­man and Lau­rie Vin­cent are a force on stage with jagged riffs and spiky vocals. 

Pho­to gallery Fri­day

Beard­ed The­o­ry festival 

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