Bearded Theory 24 Sunday photo gallery

Sun­day: One­da, My Bad Sis­ter, Clara Mann, Kather­ine Prid­dy, Eng­lish Teacher, The Orb, Dry Clean­ing, Bode­ga, Fero­cious Dog, Dinasaur Jr.,Big Spe­cial, Des­per­ate Jour­nal­ist, Amyl and the Snif­fers all played. The Beard­ed The­o­ry ‘fam­i­ly Sun­day’ tra­di­tion lives on, and those in fan­cy dress gath­er around the main stage for the judg­ing (win­ners are award­ed two tickets…

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Bearded Theory 24 Saturday photo gallery and review

An ear­ly high­light of the day was the set by BDRMM. They announced they were from ‘Sun­ny Hull’. Not Soli­hull as my friend mis­heard. Shoegazey and dreamy yet retain­ing an ener­gy and mus­cu­lar­i­ty, their set drew you into a hyp­not­ic state. Watch­ing BDR­M­M’s cre­ative process unfold, and on the bril­liant­ly acces­si­ble Mead­ow stage too, was…

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Bearded Theory 24 Friday photo gallery and review

Ist Ist, LIINES, Bob Vylan, Bis, Jane Weaver, Meryl Streek, Pip Blom, The Big Moon, Chameleons, Mari­ka Hack­man, The Bar Stool Preach­ers, Dexy’s and Future Islands made Fri­day a very full day of great music. All the stages opened and the weath­er was look­ing promis­ing. Man­ches­ter band Ist Ist were a high­light – Adam Houghton’s doomy…

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Bearded Theory 24 Thursday photo gallery

Beard­ed The­o­ry 24: Thurs­day with Bat­tlesnake, Dut­ty Moon­shine, Bleach Lab, Soft Play. It feels great to be back at Beard­ed The­o­ry for anoth­er year of music and the most friend­ly crowd I’ve come across at any fes­ti­val. There’s a few tweaks evi­dent on that first stroll around the site: for a start, where’s the Some­thing Else…

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Best festival guide for 2024

Sum­mer is breath­ing its last, and we’re near­ly at the end of out­door fes­ti­val sea­son. We’re com­pil­ing our autumn and win­ter fes­ti­val guide to pro­vide inspi­ra­tion and joy dur­ing the cold­er months.  Mucky Week­ender 5–7 Sep­tem­ber Tak­ing place at ‘Vic­arage Farm’, Win­ches­ter, Mucky Week­ender’s fifth edi­tion fea­tures five music stages with dub, ska, reg­gae, jungle,…

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Bearded Theory – what’s in store for 2024

The Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val line­up has plen­ty for fans old and new this year… and (checks cal­en­dar) it’s only two months away! Plus there’s all the oth­er fun stuff that goes on dur­ing what has always been one of the most friend­ly fes­ti­vals of the sea­son.  Beard­ed The­o­ry’s old timers… Some artists make their way…

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Bearded Theory 2023 review

Well it’s all change for Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val this year. The three ami­gos who brought it to life have final­ly hung up their beards and sold on the favourite Mid­lands fest. And this is its first prop­er year under the new ban­ner of DHP Fam­i­ly. No doubt the new team know they have a very…

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Bearded Theory photo gallery Sunday

Lots going on all after­noon with The Under­tones, High Vis, HENGE, Love­ly Eggs, Pre­tenders, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs, Pigs and for the finale were Pub­lic Ser­vice Broad­cast­ing over at the Mead­ow Stage and Pri­mal Scream. Over on the Wood­land Stage were Rho­da Dakar & The LoTek Four. And there was lots hap­pen­ing in…

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Bearded Theory photo gallery Sunday fun

Stick­ing with tra­di­tion, Beard­ed The­o­ry Sun­days always start with the fan­cy dress com­pe­ti­tion on the main stage. This year’s theme was Fairy­tales and Folk­lore. And when the win­ners are picked, it’s time for The Bar-Stew­ard Sons of Val Doon­i­can to grace the stage for some rous­ing tunes. Here’s a few of the fab­u­lous out­fits dreamed…

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Bearded Theory photo gallery Friday and Saturday

Yard Act and Anna Calvi plus Flog­ging Mol­ly, Coach Par­ty and She Drew the Gun gave it their all on the Pal­let (main) stage. Pale Blue Eyes played on the new Mead­ow Stage for a great per­for­mance on Sat­ur­day after­noon. William the Con­queror played a Fri­day eve set on the Wood­land stage. Mud­dy Sum­mers opened…

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