Some­thing for fam­i­lies to look for­ward to! Both Camp Besti­val line­ups have just been revealed, with tick­ets on sale from Thurs­day 17th Novem­ber. Head­lin­ing Camp Besti­val Dorset is Grace Jones, The Kooks and Craig David Presents TS5. Mean­while, Camp Besti­val Shropshire’s head­line acts include Pri­mal Scream, Rudi­men­tal and Human League.

Also announced today for both sites are Sophie Ellis-Bex­tor and Melanie C as well as Con­fi­dence Man plus Sam Ryder.

Both Besti­vals will fea­ture a unique well­ness expe­ri­ence with Cos­mic Kids Yoga with Jaime and mis­chief and sin­ga­longs from Mr Tum­ble and Junior Jungle.

Camp Bestival Dorset

At Camp Besti­val Dorset, Lul­worth Cas­tle, Dorset (27 – 30 July 2023), the fes­ti­val cel­e­brates its 15th birth­day bash 

Also fea­tur­ing on the line­up are David Rodi­gan, who received the Camp Besti­val hon­our of ‘Res­i­dent for Life’ over a decade ago – and Jo Whiley returns with a jam-packed set of fes­ti­val anthems. 

The line­up also includes Fearne Cot­ton, Caity Baser, Todd Ter­ry, Goldie Lookin Chain, DJ Rap, Hot Dub Time Machine, Roni Size, Mr Moti­va­tor, Stereo MC’s, Fake Bush, Elvana – Elvis Front­ed Nir­vana and The Boot­leg Bea­t­les as well as many, many more. A fes­ti­val inside the fes­ti­val, Car­a­vanserai will trans­port fes­ti­val goers to anoth­er world, from trapeze artists to brass bands and every­thing in between.

Tick­ets on gen­er­al sale 10am, Thurs­day 17 Novem­ber 2022. Adult week­end camp­ing tick­ets start from £190 (+ book­ing fee) and child week­end tick­ets from £75 (+ book­ing fee). For tick­ets and details please vis­it:

Offi­cial pay­ment part­ner of Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire. Exist­ing Bar­clay­card cus­tomers can amp up
their sum­mer and get advanced access and 10% off Camp Besti­val tick­ets from 9am 15 Novem­ber
until 08:59 17 Novem­ber (or until sold out) when they use their Bar­clay­card to pay. T&Cs apply.

Camp Bestival Shropshire

After a smash-hit first year, Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire returns to West­on Park for the week­end of 17–20 August 2023 with head­lin­ers Pri­mal Scream, Rudi­men­tal and The Human League. Arguably one of the hottest acts of the year, Con­fi­dence Man will also join the line up plus Sophie Ellis-Bex­tor and Melanie C. Plus. There are over 100+ free activ­i­ties includ­ing Dick & Dom, Cos­mic Kids Yoga with Jaime, Extreme Bike Bat­tles and Wild Swimming. 

Shrop­shire will wel­come the Big Camp Fan­cy Dress Parade – a cos­tume par­ty with no theme, whether you make a cos­tume, buy it, cob­ble it togeth­er from what’s in your cup­board, or vis­it the Dress­ing Up tent on site.

Fresh from break­ing a Guin­ness World Record at Camp Besti­val Dorset 2022, Sophie Ellis-Bex­tor joins the line up along­side Melanie C and East 17, plus there’s a DJ set from Groove Arma­da. Con­fi­dence Man will also join the line up to per­form hit songs from their feel-good par­ty album. Sam Ryder will take to the Camp Besti­val stage and singer-song­writer Ella Hen­der­son enter­tain crowds with her huge pop hits.

Cirque Bijou will return to Shrop­shire with cir­cus show ‘The Silent For­est Show’. Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire will also part­ner with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for 2023’s edi­tion of the fes­ti­val with full activ­i­ty still to be revealed.

Tick­ets on gen­er­al sale 10am, Thurs­day 17 Novem­ber 2022. Adult week­end camp­ing tick­ets start from £170 (+ book­ing fee) and child week­end tick­ets from £70 (+ book­ing fee). For tick­ets and details please vis­it:

Offi­cial pay­ment part­ner of Camp Besti­val Shrop­shire. Exist­ing Bar­clay­card cus­tomers can amp up
their sum­mer and get advanced access and 10% off Camp Besti­val tick­ets from 9am 15 Novem­ber
until 08:59 17 Novem­ber (or until sold out) when they use their Bar­clay­card to pay. T&Cs apply.

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