The ‘dark side’ of the Calder val­ley allows no light dur­ing win­ter, and its drain­ing effects on the human soul are more than just myth. There’s a bleak­ness that is all-encom­pass­ing, set­tling over the moors and deep val­ley sides, while res­i­dents hun­ker down and await spring. But draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from the stark beau­ty of this leg­endary part of west York­shire is some­thing that artists, writ­ers such as Ben Myers and a whole host of musi­cians, have done for cen­turies. There’s good rea­son why cre­atives grav­i­tate to this part of Yorkshire.

Tod­mor­den-based exper­i­men­tal musi­cian Brid­get Hay­den and the Appari­tions new col­lec­tion of eight tra­di­tion­al folk songs called Cold Blows the Rain, is steeped in the wildest of the val­ley’s weath­er, from driz­zle in the dark stone streets to winds whip­ping across the moors. Keep­ing it all local, Brid­get hired the town’s Oddfellow’s Hall to record these songs in the late sum­mer of 2022 and the album is launched on Tod’s own label Basin Rock.

Although, just to fly in the face of this dra­mat­ic tale, Brid­get says the weath­er was so good she end­ed up bask­ing in every sec­ond of it and would rush indoors to record after sun­down, work­ing well into the night.

Som­bre, spare and imbued with star­tling res­o­nance by her haunt­ing vocals, the songs on Cold Blows the Rain, are ones that she absorbed as a child from her moth­er and they feel deeply per­son­al in their rein­ter­pre­ta­tion. The fid­dle and espe­cial­ly the drone of the har­mo­ni­um work to pow­er­ful effect, espe­cial­ly giv­en the slow pace of the songs.

Love­ly on the Water is chill­ing­ly beau­ti­ful, the notes of the fid­dle weav­ing through Brid­get’s steady vocals. And She Moved Through the Fayre is sim­i­lar­ly state­ly in its pace as its doomy nar­ra­tive unfolds. Par­tic­u­lar­ly effec­tive is her inter­pre­ta­tion of Black­wa­ter Side, with ban­jo and har­mo­ni­um echo­ing this mourn­ful tale of utmost betrayal.

“The weath­er speaks the most elo­quent­ly about human loss,” Brid­get says. “It’s good to feel enveloped by some­thing so much vaster than our­selves. The rain and the tears all become one.”

Unsur­pris­ing­ly per­haps, Brid­get has said her favourite thing to do in the val­ley is to “make the most of every tiny minute of sunshine.”

Brid­get Hay­den Cold Blows the Rain, release date 10th Jan­u­ary 2025 on Basin Rock
Brid­get Hay­den Band­camp

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