Bridget Hayden and The Apparitions release Cold Blows the Rain

The ‘dark side’ of the Calder val­ley allows no light dur­ing win­ter, and its drain­ing effects on the human soul are more than just myth. There’s a bleak­ness that is all-encom­­pass­ing, set­tling over the moors and deep val­ley sides, while res­i­dents hun­ker down and await spring. But draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from the stark beau­ty of this…

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Dark Christmas song by Alex Maas “XMAAS (Take Me Away)”

Alex Maas, of the Black Angels, released an album called Luca dur­ing the last days of 2020 – a work that utter­ly blew us away (it was on the Gourmet Gigs faves of the year list). We’ve been secret­ly wait­ing for a fol­low up to that haunt­ing­ly melan­cholic work, and just as 2023 reach­es its…

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