South African artist Deist Oelofse, known by his stage name We Are All Fos­sils, cre­ates music described as ambi­ent folk. He is set to release a sin­gle on Jan­u­ary 24th, offer­ing lis­ten­ers the first peek of his third album, sched­uled to debut this sum­mer.

The new num­ber, called Rap­ture, was inspired by the Dur­ban born artist’s vis­it to the Lake Dis­trict – it’s an inti­mate and per­son­al track that draws the lis­ten­er into its nature-inspired world. Under­stat­ed and mea­sured, the track draws the lis­ten­er in. The pro­duc­tion is spare but effec­tive, allow­ing the focus to remain on Deist’s vocals and del­i­cate gui­tar work. There’s an atmos­pher­ic and dreamy qual­i­ty that gives Rap­ture a med­i­ta­tive feel. 

At its heart, the song is about resis­tance to change. As Deist describes,“Rap­ture cap­tures the jour­ney of break­ing free from numb­ness and embrac­ing change. Inspired by morn­ings in the Lake Dis­trict, the song reflects on nature’s resilience – how it adapts to shift­ing con­di­tions, no mat­ter how harsh. This sparked a per­son­al reck­on­ing with my own resis­tance to change and the impact it’s had over time.”

Since debut album The Opti­mist in 2018 and sopho­more offer­ing Songs For Strangers in 2019, singer-song­writer Deist has blend­ed con­tem­po­rary folk ele­ments with an ambi­ent feel. 

Recent­ly, We Are All Fos­sils had the hon­our of per­form­ing at Mai­da Vale Stu­dios for BBC, that solid­i­fied their rep­u­ta­tion as a ris­ing force.

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