Colours is a new and wel­come addi­tion to Lon­don’s ever-shrink­ing ros­ter of music venues. The team behind much-loved Lon­don venues Queen of Hox­ton, The Book Club and Brighton’s Pat­terns are open­ing a brand new mul­ti-arts-bar and club called Colours in Hox­ton Square, East Lon­don in September.

There will be a pro­gramme of music, art and per­for­mance in Colours’ 300-capac­i­ty live space, set to host a stel­lar line up of gigs and club-nights in col­lab­o­ra­tion with fel­low mul­ti-arts spaces Vil­lage Under­ground and EartH.

Light Instal­la­tion

Club nights

They are set to fea­ture res­i­den­cies from inclu­sive LGBTQ+ Bol­ly­wood pow­er­house Hunga­ma, girl pow­er gang Pussy Palace, house, dis­co and tech­no par­ty Nat­u­ralia, the female-led immer­sive col­lec­tive Shot­gun Carousel, garage extrav­a­gan­za Lord of The Tings and Vil­lage Under­ground favourites The Heat­wave presents.

The venue’s Super­Cul­ture room will host cut­ting-edge cul­tur­al events every week night. Rang­ing from an ‘after school’ club with Maisie Williams’ cre­ative net­work­ing app Daisie to Queer Exper­i­men­tal Cin­e­ma, Neon Naked Life Draw­ing and more.


The Orange Buf­fa­lo take res­i­den­cy in the kitchen with sev­er­al exclu­sive new dish­es for Colours, includ­ing a plant based burg­er ‘The Naw­ty’ and a Buf­fa­lo Chick­en Sal­ad, along­side their famous wings and chick­en sandwiches.

To cel­e­brate the launch Colours will be offer­ing cus­tomers 50% off on both food and drink on its open­ing week­end (Fri­day-Sat­ur­day)

OPENING FRIDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER 2019 at 2–4 Hox­ton Square, Hack­ney, Lon­don N1 6NU