The Orielles chose to try out new num­ber Come Down on Jupiter at Blue­dot fes­ti­val this sum­mer – maybe they were part­ly inspired by the space-themed fes­ti­val to give this new song a whirl. It’s the first track on their upcom­ing sec­ond album, now named Dis­co Volador. Per­form­ing live, the Calder Val­ley four­some always man­age to work their span­gled, sun­ny charms on a crowd. I remem­ber Jupiter passed by pleas­ant­ly enough but it some­how evad­ed cap­ture and I could­n’t have described it.

It’s now been released as their next sin­gle and I’ve had the chance to give Come Down on Jupiter a prop­er listen.

There are some Orielle-brand ele­ments in there: the whoops, the wonk­i­ness, the retro nods and the play­ful­ness. That play­ful qual­i­ty to The Orielles’ work hits you straight away with what sounds dis­tinct­ly like the tense open­ing notes of a 60s thriller, pos­i­tive­ly James Bond-esque actu­al­ly, set­ting the scene before the land­scape opens into a dreamy retro vocal rush. This is a seduc­tive paean to the 60s, com­plete with lush girl-band cho­rus, and with addi­tion­al retro cos­mic noise to add anoth­er dimension.

But things don’t stop there. Like Sug­ar Tastes Like Salt before it, this song sud­den­ly shifts and reassem­bles itself just when you thought it was bob­bing along nice­ly in a lin­ear groove. And rather than com­ing full cir­cle the song enters new ter­ri­to­ry for the final sec­tion with a swag­gery chant – on the band’s Heav­en­ly label page the band namecheck Lizzie Merci­er Descloux as their influ­ence. Hope­ful­ly this helps reawak­en inter­est in the mul­ti-tal­ent­ed French artist who has been some­what for­got­ten about.


Come Down on Jupiter is the first track on the new sec­ond album, avail­able ear­ly 2020.


Pho­tos of The Orielles were tak­en at Blue­dot fes­ti­val 2019

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