Festival No 6 beachOne of my favourite fes­ti­vals has just got even more excit­ing. A new head­lin­er has been revealed for Fes­ti­val No 6 – it’s the leg­endary Man­cun­ian indie-rock­ers James as the sur­prise co-head­line act on Sun­day night.

Said Jim Glen­nie from James: ‘I love Port­meiri­on and I can’t believe we are going to play a gig there. The fes­ti­val looks amaz­ing. Can’t wait.’ The band deliv­ered a storm­ing set at Beard­ed The­o­ry fes­ti­val in May, fes­ti­val goers are in for a treat.

Joe Dud­dell, No.6 Com­pos­er-in-Res­i­dence, will be return­ing for the fourth year to present anoth­er series of the Town Hall Ses­sions in the beau­ti­ful Port­meiri­on Town Hall. Joe will be col­lab­o­rat­ing with Gaz Coombes, Edwyn Collins, Jane Weaver and Rae Mor­ris on new mate­r­i­al, as well as some old favourites, all per­formed with the won­der­ful No.6 Ensem­ble. I do have a tip here for those keen on attend­ing: the space is lim­it­ed so make sure you get there early!

Oth­er new No.6 announce­ments include Arthur Bak­er, the world-renowned New York hip-hop pro­duc­er, head­lin­ing the Vir­gin Vil­lage Lim­its stage in the woods with its now famous float­ing dance floor.

There will also be a sneak pre­view of the new Kill Your Friends movie, a dark­ly humor­ous satire on the UK music busi­ness at the height of Brit­pop. John Niv­en, author of the orig­i­nal nov­el will also be in con­ver­sa­tion with lit­er­ary leg­end Irvine Welsh, the direc­tor Owen Har­ris and pro­duc­ers Will Clarke and Gre­gor Cameron as they explore the sto­ry and how it trans­lates to film.

In the shad­ow of the Castell Deu­draeth, one of Portmeirion’s most stun­ning areas – The Castell Gar­dens – has also revealed its impres­sive bill fea­tur­ing Bugged Out! with Justin Robert­son, James Hol­royd and Rob Bright, a cel­e­bra­tion of 20 years of the Elec­tric Chair and Bill Brew­ster and co serv­ing up one of the very last Low Life par­ties. It’s almost a fes­ti­val with­in a festival.

AND there are more acts to be revealed…

Vil­lage Lim­its float­ing dance deck

Week­end Tick­et Prices (Fri­day Arrival)

Adult Week­end Camp­ing from: £170 + BF (£10.00)

Young Per­son (11–15 years old) Camp­ing from: £80 + BF (£6.50)

Chil­dren (10 years and under) Camp­ing: £Free + BF (£1.50)

Park­ing (Park & Ride): £20 + BF (£2.00)

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