Warm Digits

Anoth­er ener­gy-filled album from Warm Dig­its. On Flight of Ideas Warm Dig­its “make a call to arms: when we all think our ideas are right, what are the costs of nev­er believ­ing you could be wrong?” And so the explo­ration begins, with the duo plus a selec­tion of guest vocal­ists step­ping back in time and pon­der­ing over a quirky selec­tion of 70s psy­cho­log­i­cal experiments.

What gives Flight of Ideas a real edge is this mix of guest vocal­ists who add their own indi­vid­ual touch to a selec­tion of the tracks. The Orielles’ Esme Hand Hal­ford adds her dis­tinc­tive voice to the uplift­ing, com­pelling Shake the Wheels Off, her vocals float­ing ici­ly above the pop­ping back­ground. The Love­ly Eggs’ Hol­ly Ross deliv­ers post-punk retro swag­ger to cre­ate a defi­ant ener­gy on Feel the Pan­ic. The most fas­ci­nat­ing con­tri­bu­tion is from Emma Pol­lock (ex The Del­ga­dos) who pops up on The View from Nowhere: this rather more psy­che­del­ic-lean­ing num­ber adds a dif­fer­ent dimen­sion to the album; the song suits her warm, swoop­ing vocals although I would have liked the elec­tron­ic clat­ter dialled down a tad in order to become more immersed (Pol­lock fans may be inter­est­ed that she guest vocalled on a track by One Day, After School, link here).

The short­est track on the album, the instru­men­tal I’m OK, You’re OK slips at the mid­way point – it’s a beau­ti­ful mul­ti-tex­tur­al jour­ney with a feel of Baltic Fleet or Ves­sels and I find myself wish­ing this was a far longer experience. 

Check out the album details here

Track list­ing:

Frames and Cages
Feel The Pan­ic (feat The Love­ly Eggs)
The View from Nowhere (feat Emma Pol­lock)
I’m OK, You’re OK
Fools Tomor­row (feat Paul Smith)
Shake the Wheels Off (feat The Orielles)
Every­one Ner­vous (feat Rozi Plain)
False Pos­i­tive
Flight of Ideas

Main pho­to: Warm Dig­its at Blue­dot fes­ti­val 2018



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