Sparks’ legion of devot­ed fans will be delight­ed to hear about a new album – their 24th – which is released on May 15th. Called A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip, it will be avail­able on CD, pic­ture disc and cas­sette with the dig­i­tal album too.

From the forth­com­ing album they’ve already dropped the pow­er­ful new sin­gle called One for the Ages – a per­fect­ly con­struct­ed song with a time­less qual­i­ty – it shares a sim­i­lar­i­ty in its grand anthemic style and doomy beau­ty to the lush Edith Piaf (Said it Bet­ter) from Hip­popota­mus (2017). Mark Riley on Radio 6 music played One for the Ages and announced that they have invit­ed Ron and Rus­sell to do a ses­sion for the sta­tion. Let’s hope that comes to fruition.

The quirky Mael broth­ers, Ron and Rus­sell may have aligned them­selves with the glam-rock era in its time, but they have always felt like out­liers, forg­ing an indi­vid­ual path since they launched their career in 1967. I’m end­less­ly fas­ci­nat­ed by a song they record­ed back in 1969 called Com­put­er Girl in which nascent ideas about a date and sex with a com­put­er are explored: “Would you like a date with her? Stick an IMB card in her stom­ach”. With a dis­tinct­ly raw New-York Vel­vet Underground/Nico feel, the song dis­plays the skill Sparks have con­tin­u­al­ly dis­played for dra­ma and inventiveness. 

Sparks have also writ­ten the music for a musi­cal fea­ture film called Annette, which will star Adam Dri­ver and Mar­i­on Cotil­lard, direct­ed by Leos Caras (Holy Motors). There is also a cur­rent­ly unti­tled Sparks doc­u­men­tary direct­ed by Edgar-Wright, who pre­vi­ous­ly direct­ed Baby Dri­ver and Spaced.

Sparks head out on a Euro­pean tour in 2022 – due to sev­er­al Covid-relat­ed date changes, tour dates have been removed from the site.

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