A stel­lar ros­ter of artists awaits those attend­ing Man­ches­ter Psych Fest this year. And the organ­is­ers are delight­ed to announce their full line­up for this year’s fes­ti­val, which takes place on 4th September. 

Mali­a’s Tinari­wen are co-head­lin­ers with Stere­o­lab, plus there’s post-punk out­fit Dry Clean­ing, afrobeat eight-piece Koko­roko and Japan­ese psych vet­er­ans Kik­a­gaku Moyo.

Also on the bill Jadu Heart, Bil­ly Nomates, Crack Cloud, Pins, Los Bitchos and The Mys­ter­ines join Steal­ing Sheep, Whyte Hors­es and Bo Ningan.

Manchester Psych Fest poster

We’re delight­ed to see The Lounge Soci­ety and Julia Bar­do will be appear­ing, plus Van­ish­ing Twin (pic­tured above). Also per­form­ing is Welsh com­pos­er and vio­lin­ist Ang­harad Davies joined by Gwen­no (below) for an unmiss­able live score of the mul­ti award-win­ning exper­i­men­tal film Bait

Artists are set to appear at sev­er­al venues around Man­ches­ter, includ­ing the O2 Ritz, Goril­la, Dance­house, Deaf Insti­tute and YES. The fes­ti­val will once again fea­ture art instal­la­tions from a selec­tion of local artists and illus­tra­tors, as well as pop-up street food stalls, merch and loads more. 

Man­ches­ter Psych fest, 4th Sep­tem­ber. For tick­ets and info con­tact
Man­ches­ter Psych Fest. 4th Sep­tem­ber. Dis­counts for NHS. 

Inter­view with The Lounge Society 

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