The Go! Team remixes for 20th anniv album Thunder, Lightning, Strike

To cel­e­brate 20 years since The Go! Team’s clas­sic album Thun­der, Light­ning, Strike, the band have asked a range of artists they love and admire to remix, rework and refash­ion tracks from the album, with a new one being released month­ly. Fol­low­ing on from the likes of Cor­ner­shop, Louie Zong, lilien rosar­i­an and CV Vision, next up is  Los Bitchos, who provide…

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Bluedot 2022 festival review

Since its first year in 2016, Blue­dot has carved out a unique place in the fes­ti­val land­scape, curat­ing a music line­up that can rival any oth­er gath­er­ing. But it also offers some­thing spe­cial – a win­dow into the world of sci­ence and space. Talks and work­shops are giv­en by some of the top names in…

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Bluedot 22 photo gallery 1

Images from Fri­day and Sat­ur­day at Blue­dot 2022… from Los Bitchos to Groove Arma­da, Lanterns on the Lake and Kel­ly Lee Owens. The Lounge Soci­ety, BCUC and Kahreign. Helen Pankhurst inter­views poet Niki­ta Gill. Lor­na Rees and her cloud gaz­ing project. Sci­ence this year fea­tured – Tim O’Brien and his wel­come speech – plus Chris…

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Manchester Psych Fest 2021 full line up

A stel­lar ros­ter of artists awaits those attend­ing Man­ches­ter Psych Fest this year. And the organ­is­ers are delight­ed to announce their full line­up for this year’s fes­ti­val, which takes place on 4th Sep­tem­ber.  Mali­a’s Tinari­wen are co-head­­lin­ers with Stere­o­lab, plus there’s post-punk out­fit Dry Clean­ing, afrobeat eight-piece Koko­roko and Japan­ese psych vet­er­ans Kik­a­gaku Moyo. Also on the bill Jadu Heart, Bil­ly Nomates,…

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