Alabaster dePlume new song ‘Mrs Calamari’

There’s a lot of music out there designed to bring down the heart rate, still the breath­ing, calm the soul and send you to a pleas­ant and nour­ish­ing place. There is one artist, an eccen­tric, car­ing and exot­ic being, who has made work which def­i­nite­ly has this effect: Alabaster dePlume, poet per­former has pre­vi­ous form…

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Top albums, EPs and songs for 2020

Let’s go with the pos­i­tive. This year there has been a pletho­ra of amaz­ing new music from artists both well estab­lished and emerg­ing. For many peo­ple, lis­ten­ing to music has been a life­line to turn to in these trou­bled times. And with lock­down, some have been able to redis­cov­er the plea­sure of play­ing an album…

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Alabaster dePlume and music to heal the soul

Alabaster dePlume new release To Cy & Lee: Instru­men­tals Vol 1 on Lost Map Records in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Chi­ca­­go-based avant-jazz label Inter­na­tion­al Anthem and the Total Refresh­ment Cen­tre in Lon­don. I had to check if this was the same Alabaster dePlume who sang a cou­ple of humor­ous songs at a Union Chapel day­time ses­sion I attend­ed. Although there could­n’t…

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Lost Map: Pictish Trail Daylight Music at Union Chapel

The Day­light Music ses­sions at Union Chapel in Isling­ton are gen­tle, pay-what-you-like lunchtime con­certs with tea and cake. There are around 30 ses­sions per year. This Sat­ur­day was the turn of artists on the Lost Map record label run from the remote Hebridean island of Eigg by John­ny Lynch, who per­forms as Pic­tish Trail. Lynch and…

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