Daylight music: coffee, cakes and one hot chip

Gigs dur­ing the day­time are such a great idea. Instead of the usu­al beers and warm white wine, at an event run by Day­light Music you can enjoy a cup of tea, deli­cious home made cakes, plus quiche and sausage rolls – there’s also a selec­tion of chil­dren’s drinks too. Then spend a cou­ple of…

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All Points East: Alexis Taylor, Mattiel and Bjork shine

New Lon­don mega-fes­ti­val All Points East at Vic­to­ria Park offered sparkling line­ups: the first Sun­day intro­duced slinky Tex­an out­fit Khru­ang­bin, fol­lowed by a dancey set from Alex­is Tay­lor. Father John Misty offered lush vocals to a mel­low ear­ly evening crowd before Bjork’s fan­tas­ti­cal set end­ed the evening

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