The lineup: 12 best festivals for 2019

Ooh fes­ti­val sea­son! The thought of it fills me (and so many of you out there, obvi­ous­ly) with joy. The sheer diver­si­ty of the UK fes­ti­val scene means you can tru­ly immerse your­self in music, dance, talks, lit­er­a­ture, art, nature… there’s bound to be a few which will tick all your per­son­al box­es. Here’s my…

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More festival recommends and news

Fes­ti­val sea­son is approach­ing fast – only five weeks till some of us will be sleep­ing, or at least try­ing to, in our tents. Here are a few more events to whet your appetite, and some fes­ti­val news too. Some fes­ti­vals are get­ting low on tick­ets, so don’t pon­der for too long. And if you’re a foodie,…

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The best of festivals for 2017

Rejoice – fes­ti­val sea­son is just around the cor­ner. So what’s in store for 2017? There’s def­i­nite­ly a trend towards offer­ing debates, talks and work­shops. And kids are well catered for with high qual­i­ty and orig­i­nal learn­ing activ­i­ties, take Bluedot’s Plan­e­tar­i­um and Beard­ed The­o­ry’s OFSTED approved school. But hey, let’s not get too seri­ous about it all. Fes­ti­vals pri­mar­i­ly still…

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