Review: Scions and the mysterious To Cry Out in the Wilderness

On rare occa­sions, a piece of music is released that exists in a sphere of its own, defi­ant­ly unique and refus­ing to be slot­ted into this or that genre. Some­thing that stops you in your tracks. The just-released To Cry Out in the Wilder­ness by Scions on Idée Fixe Records is such an album, a…

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New single Atlantic by The Weather Station captures the mood

The Weath­er Sta­tion has released a new sin­gle and video called Atlantic, from forth­com­ing album Igno­rance (5th Feb­ru­ary on Fat Pos­sum).  The Weath­er Sta­tion is a project lead by Cana­di­an singer song­writer Tama­ra Lin­de­man. This lat­est work is intense­ly per­son­al (Tama­ra also direct­ed the video) and it cap­tures the present mood of uncer­tain­ty, with climate…

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Breath[e]:LESS live performance, Bradford and Liverpool

Breath[e]:LESS is a new kind of performance/gig expe­ri­ence, and danc­ing is very much allowed. It might be dif­fi­cult not to, as it’s set to infec­tious elec­tron­ic music by composer/producer DJ Kwah (above). The per­for­mance is the brain­child of Tes­sa Gordziejko, for­mer­ly Cre­ative Direc­tor for the York­shire cul­tur­al Olympiad, a direc­tor and pro­duc­er who has built a rep­u­ta­tion for innovative…

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Event: The Second Breath. Take to the streets for a mystery tour

The Sec­ond Breath will be hap­pen­ing for one day in May, bring­ing togeth­er club­bing cul­ture, cir­cus skills, a mys­tery tour and cli­mate change sto­ries. The Sec­ond Breath is a walk­ing mys­tery tour of Leeds, with daz­zling cir­cus acts and dar­ing stunts, pro­jec­tions, sto­ries and psy­che­del­ic dance music. The sound­track was espe­cial­ly writ­ten for the per­for­mances by local DJ, KWAH and the pro­jec­tions are by…

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