Liven up November with Favourite Days festival

Novem­ber isn’t the most excit­ing or fes­­ti­­val-filled time of year, so it’s very wel­come to dis­cov­er this new North-West event called Favourite Days. Favourite Days will be tak­ing place in Liv­er­pool and is spread over four days from 6–10th Novem­ber. Lots of grass­roots artists and venues are tak­ing part to make this a real­ly buzzy event. …

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Bill Ryder-Jones fifth album “Iechyd Da” review

Three tracks from Bill Ryder-Jones lat­est album sur­faced towards the close of 2023. They hint­ed at the rich­ness and emo­tion­al depth in store for lis­ten­ers of Iechyd Da, which saw its release on Fri­day 12th Jan­u­ary. The result is a sol­id, beau­ti­ful col­lec­tion of songs, and the tim­ing could not have been bet­ter as we…

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Unique Ukraine & Scouse Supergroup to launch Liverpool’s Eurovision Party

Orches­tral Manoeu­vres in the Dark’s Andy McCluskey will join Liv­er­pool indie rock­ers Red Rum Club and psy­che­del­ic pop queen Jane Weaver as they become mem­bers of Wel­come To Euro­topia, – a super­group made up of Liv­er­pool musi­cians and Ukrain­ian artists who will take to the stage at 9:30pm on the Pier Head on 5 May…

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A powerhouse of a show: North at Open Eye Gallery

North: Iden­ti­ty, Pho­tog­ra­phy, Fash­ion at Liv­er­pool’s Open Eye Gallery, 6th Jan to 19th March 2017, is the first exhi­bi­tion to be held as part of their 40th anniver­sary year. Cura­tors Lou Stop­pard and Adam Mur­ray have tak­en an in-depth and far reach­ing look of the cre­ativ­i­ty of the towns, cities and sub­urbs of the north through dif­fer­ent media and…

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Shirley Baker photographs in new show at Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool

A major exhi­bi­tion opens at Open Eye Gallery on the water­front in Liv­er­pool on 5th Jan­u­ary 2017, which will include a few works of Man­ches­ter pho­tog­ra­ph­er Shirley Bak­er. The mul­ti-media show called North: Iden­ti­ty, Pho­tog­ra­phy, Fash­ion, will exam­ine the way the north has been depict­ed in var­i­ous media. Five works by Shirley Bak­er are includ­ed in the…

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