A major exhi­bi­tion opens at Open Eye Gallery on the water­front in Liv­er­pool on 5th Jan­u­ary 2017, which will include a few works of Man­ches­ter pho­tog­ra­ph­er Shirley Bak­er. The mul­ti-media show called North: Iden­ti­ty, Pho­tog­ra­phy, Fash­ion, will exam­ine the way the north has been depict­ed in var­i­ous media. Five works by Shirley Bak­er are includ­ed in the exhi­bi­tion, includ­ing the pho­to above. Also includ­ed are orig­i­nal prints from Luchford’s first ever shoot, a ses­sion with The Stone Ros­es for The Face in 1989. Fea­tured artists include North­ern Soul film mak­er Elaine Con­stan­tine. New col­lab­o­ra­tive work for North, such as a project by Hacien­da design­er Ben Kel­ly and Amer­i­can fash­ion design­er Vir­gil Abloh, who is a long term fan of the sounds and graph­ics of 1980s North­ern Eng­land, will also be on display.

Co-curat­ed by Lou Stop­pard and Adam Mur­ray, North explores the way the region is depict­ed, con­struct­ed and cel­e­brat­ed in select pho­tographs, art­work and fash­ion col­lec­tions. The show brings togeth­er col­lec­tive visions of the North, unpick­ing the tropes and themes that appear reg­u­lar­ly in design and media and takes into account the rich cul­tur­al his­to­ry of the region. This exhi­bi­tion fea­tures sev­er­al artists and includes a selec­tion of pho­tographs by Shirley Bak­er along­side work from some of fashion’s most notable image makers. 
19 Mann Island, 
Liv­er­pool Waterfront, 
Liv­er­pool  L3 1BP
Pre­view 5 Jan­u­ary 2017 6pm-9pm
Opens 6 Jan­u­ary-19 March 2017

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