Lumer release new single “English Dream”

Hull born four-piece band Lumer unveil their new sin­gle today. Titled Eng­lish Dream, the track takes a bit­ter look at the par­lous state of the coun­try – and it’s not as if there isn’t plen­ty of mate­r­i­al on the sub­ject. Lumer have pre­vi­ous form of focus­ing on the social and polit­i­cal cli­mate; their EP Disappearing…

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Lumer launch EP The Disappearing Act

There’s been a sur­feit of tal­ent­ed young bands com­ing out of York­shire’s towns and val­leys – such as Work­ing Men’s Club, The Lounge Soci­ety and Fehlt. And local venues such as The Trades in Heb­den Bridge, Bru­denell Social Club in Leeds, and Tod­mor­den’s Gold­en Lion have been instru­men­tal in sup­port­ing their bur­geon­ing tal­ent.  Lumer are…

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