There’s been a sur­feit of tal­ent­ed young bands com­ing out of York­shire’s towns and val­leys – such as Work­ing Men’s Club, The Lounge Soci­ety and Fehlt. And local venues such as The Trades in Heb­den Bridge, Bru­denell Social Club in Leeds, and Tod­mor­den’s Gold­en Lion have been instru­men­tal in sup­port­ing their bur­geon­ing talent. 

Lumer are a Hull-based four piece com­pris­ing of Alex Evans (vocals), William Evans (drums), Ben­jamin Jack­son (gui­tars) and Ben­jamin Mor­rod (bass gui­tar). Their debut EP The Dis­ap­pear­ing Act launch­es on 29 Jan­u­ary and I’m fair blown away by it. 

Lumer may be cat­e­gorised as post punk, com­plete with catchy riffs and snarling vocals from Alex Evans, but there’s much more nuance and thought to the struc­ture of their mate­r­i­al, which keeps things inter­est­ing. Some of the tracks on The Dis­ap­pear­ing Act are far from lin­ear and they intro­duce some sur­pris­ing twists and turns to keep you engaged. 

The first track She’s Inno­cent kicks off with a slight­ly wonky riff and just when it’s sound­ing like it’s set­tled into its groove, it shifts and a sexy bass line thuds into the song with those slight­ly men­ac­ing vocals over the top. White Tsar brings noisy gui­tars to the fore while the vocals sound almost forced, beg­ging to be heard over the din. There’s an almost White Stripes feel about some of their tracks too. 

Lumer’s lyrics pre­dom­i­nate­ly rage against cor­rupt world lead­ers, online social pres­sures and the wrongs of the world. Alex Evans com­ments “The entire writ­ing process felt incred­i­bly easy. It takes, who­ev­er can be both­ered to lis­ten, down a bit­ter road of dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ences and what we despise in the world. It talks of love, hate, hope and death.”

Com­pelling and with a con­fi­dent, indi­vid­ual edge, The Dis­ap­pear­ing Act is out today. 

LUMER’s debut EP The Dis­ap­pear­ing Act will be avail­able dig­i­tal­ly from Jan­u­ary 29th 2021.

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