Unique Ukraine & Scouse Supergroup to launch Liverpool’s Eurovision Party

Orches­tral Manoeu­vres in the Dark’s Andy McCluskey will join Liv­er­pool indie rock­ers Red Rum Club and psy­che­del­ic pop queen Jane Weaver as they become mem­bers of Wel­come To Euro­topia, – a super­group made up of Liv­er­pool musi­cians and Ukrain­ian artists who will take to the stage at 9:30pm on the Pier Head on 5 May…

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Manchester Psych Fest 2021 full line up

A stel­lar ros­ter of artists awaits those attend­ing Man­ches­ter Psych Fest this year. And the organ­is­ers are delight­ed to announce their full line­up for this year’s fes­ti­val, which takes place on 4th Sep­tem­ber.  Mali­a’s Tinari­wen are co-head­­lin­ers with Stere­o­lab, plus there’s post-punk out­fit Dry Clean­ing, afrobeat eight-piece Koko­roko and Japan­ese psych vet­er­ans Kik­a­gaku Moyo. Also on the bill Jadu Heart, Bil­ly Nomates,…

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Review: Django Django at The Roundhouse

There are two Djan­go Djan­gos. There’s what you hear on their albums, a fat slam of addic­tive, uptem­po, feel-good melody, laced with dis­tinc­tive har­monies with a sweet-sour bal­ance. Then there’s live Djan­go, which is an alto­geth­er more dance-dri­ven, stripped, souped up ver­sion of the above, with a rock­et up its arse. Art house rock­ers Djan­go Djan­go are one of the bands…

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Green Man 2012

Into this post-Olympic, rain-drenched mid sum­mer, the tenth Green Man fes­ti­val burst into life. Nes­tled in the Black Moun­tains of mid Wales, Green Man’s are­na on Fri­day is a won­der to behold; still at this point a green and pleas­ant land with its beau­ti­ful­ly posi­tioned main Moun­tain Stage – a nat­ur­al amphithe­atre, with a con­ve­nient steep…

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