Joe Goddard releases Harmonics Remixed album plus announces tour

Joe God­dard just released his new album Har­mon­ics Remixed on 22nd August. It fea­tures new track Weave plus remix­es from the likes of Black Sci­ence Orches­tra, Cos­mod­el­i­ca, East Coast Love Affair and Hilit Kolet. The twelve-inch release is set for Octo­ber 25th Apart from an upcom­ing UK tour, he is also play­ing London’s All Points East…

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Beans on Toast on tour 2024

Eng­lish Folk hero – Beans on Toast – will be tak­ing his brand new live band out on tour for the first time this Feb­ru­ary and March. With a new-look out­fit com­pris­ing Scot­tish gui­tar wiz­ard / folk song­smith Mem­phis Ger­ald, honky-tonk roy­al­ty King Killer­ship, per­cus­sive pow­er­house Abbi Drums, and fes­ti­val poet extra­or­di­naire Bassie Gra­cie; Beans and the band will be smash­ing out tunes from his highly…

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