Top albums, EPs & singles of 2024

This has been an excep­tion­al year for new releas­es of all gen­res with per­haps a lean­ing towards shoegaze/­­dream-pop on this list. Bill Ryder-Jones got the year off to a great start with the inspired Iechyd Da while Father John Misty’s Mahash­mashana slipped in as a late Novem­ber clos­er and is per­haps my album of the year.…

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W. H. Lung unveils album Every Inch of Earth Pulsates

Some bands are meant to be seen live and W H Lung is right up there. The ener­gy that bounces from stage to crowd and back again is elec­tric, espe­cial­ly with dynam­ic and expres­sive front man Jo Evans prowl­ing the stage. For their third album, Every Inch of Earth Pul­sates, it’s that live expe­ri­ence that…

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W H Lung announce new album, new single and live shows

An announce­ment by indie-syn­thy five-piece band W H Lung is always some­thing to cel­e­brate and this lat­est mis­sive will bring their fans great joy. It’s bumper good news: a sin­gle, an album, a video and some live shows.  The band unveil their third and lat­est album on 18th Octo­ber on Melod­ic, which is called, rather majestically,…

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New W H Lung track High Pressure Days, sublime video plus tour

Any W H Lung news is cause for cel­e­bra­tion here at Gourmet Gigs. And there’s plen­ty to get stuck into here with the band’s new track, video and some UK appear­ances too – although we might have to draw a line at a flight to the States for their upcom­ing US tour.  The new track is…

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Bluedot 22 photo gallery Sunday

Dr Mag­gie Aderin-Pocock­’s talk at Mis­sion Con­trol; music from Sea Pow­er, The Bug Club, Orlan­do Weeks, W H Lung and A Cer­tain Ratio. And some inven­tive out­fits…Check out our Fri­day and Sat­ur­day pho­to gallery here Blue­dot Fri­day and Sat­ur­day pho­to gallery 

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Bluedot 2022 festival review

Since its first year in 2016, Blue­dot has carved out a unique place in the fes­ti­val land­scape, curat­ing a music line­up that can rival any oth­er gath­er­ing. But it also offers some­thing spe­cial – a win­dow into the world of sci­ence and space. Talks and work­shops are giv­en by some of the top names in…

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Top albums and EPs 2021

This has been an abun­dant year for new music, hard­ly sur­pris­ing as artists were forced into lock­down, stuck in their hous­es / bed­rooms /studios with only synths and gui­tars for com­pa­ny. We’re delight­ed to bring you Gourmet Gigs’ favourites this year: a com­bi­na­tion of albums and an EP. A few long-await­­ed albums turned out to…

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Long awaited new single by W H Lung ‘Pearl in the Palm’

W H Lung have just released the first track from their high­ly antic­i­pat­ed sec­ond album, Van­i­ties, due 3rd Sep­tem­ber. Called Pearl in the Palm, the sin­gle marks a depar­ture from the Man­ches­ter band’s first album Inci­den­tal Music. When an artist you’re par­tic­u­lar­ly fond of announces a change of direc­tion there’s a bit­ter­sweet moment. Yay, new…

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Todmorden’s Golden Lion launches label

The Calder Val­ley, West York­shire is a ver­i­ta­ble hotbed of tal­ent­ed new artists. So when a well-loved venue runs into finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties, local bands ral­ly to help. Work­ing Men’s Club and W H Lung have con­tributed exclu­sive tracks to help the Gold­en Lion in Tod­mor­den. Yes, Tod­mor­den’s The Gold­en Lion has set up its own…

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Best albums of 2019

These are the 2019 albums that I have on restric­t­ed-play mode, in case I over­do it. These are best played when you’re on your own. No dis­trac­tions and no play­ing them as mood music in the back­ground – who wants some ran­dom per­son to sud­den­ly start talk­ing to you just as you get to the…

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